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  • Consumer Group

    Consumer Group Definition Model relationship Internal attributes Behavior constraints Version compatibility Usage notes Consumer Group This section describes the definitio...
  • 发布手册

    发布手册 1. 前言 1.1 Apache 版本发布文档 1.2 PGP 签名 1.3 POM 配置 1.4 处理 issues 1.5 发布 Release Notes 2.构建 Source Release 2.1 检查 RocketMQ 版本 2.2 暂存至 ASF Nexus 仓库 2.3 rc 版本文件 2.4 回滚并重试 ...
  • Concepts

    Concepts Topic MessageType MessageQueue Message MessageView MessageTag MessageOffset ConsumerOffset MessageKey Producer TransactionChecker ConsumerGroup Consumer Subsc...
  • 如何贡献

    如何贡献 请求答疑 提交错误报告 提出改进或新功能 参与讨论并帮助他人 测试预发布版本 贡献代码 贡献文档 优化官网 更多贡献途径… 如何成为 committer 如何贡献 Apache RocketMQ —— 开放共享的开源社区,诚挚邀请您的加入。 社区交流和贡献方式: 提出问题 提交错误报告 提出新特性 参与邮件列表上的讨...
  • Producer

    Producer Definition Model relationship Internal attributes Version compatibility Usage notes Producer This section describes the concept of producers in Apache RocketMQ. It...
  • Consumer

    Consumer Definition Model relationship Internal attributes Behavior constraints Version compatibility Usage notes Consumer This section describes the definition, model rel...
  • GitHub Submit PR

    GitHub Submit PR GitHub Remote Repository Git Contribution Guide GitHub Commit PR Merge PR Reject PR GitHub Submit PR This article walks you through contributing RocketMQ t...
  • 发布手册

    发布手册 1. 前言 1.1 Apache 版本发布文档 1.2 PGP 签名 1.3 POM 配置 1.4 处理 issues 1.5 发布 Release Notes 2.构建 Source Release 2.1 检查 RocketMQ 版本 2.2 暂存至 ASF Nexus 仓库 2.3 rc 版本文件 2.4 回滚并重试 ...
  • Consumer Progress Management

    Consumer Progress Management Background Working mechanism Reset consumer offset Version compatibility Usage notes Consumer Progress Management Apache RocketMQ uses consumer...
  • Message Queue

    Message Queue Definition Model relationship Internal attributes Behavior constraints Version compatibility Usage notes Message Queue This section describes the definition,...