6 – Standard Libraries 6 – Standard Libraries The standard Lua libraries provide useful functions that are implemented directly through the C API. Some of these functions provi...
8. Shared libraries 8. Shared libraries Packages containing shared libraries must be constructed with a little care to make sure that the shared library is always available. Th...
UI libraries Create a UI library Assign a UI library in code See also UI libraries BeginnerArtistDesigner UI libraries contain UI elements such as grids, buttons, sliders...
CocoaPods integration Install the CocoaPods dependency manager and plugin Add dependencies on Pod libraries Add a dependency on a Pod library from the CocoaPods repository Add a ...
Node.js JavaScript client library Install the InfluxDB JavaScript client library Write data with the InfluxDB JavaScript client library Query data with the InfluxDB JavaScript cl...
Identifying Kinds of Libraries What should you look for? Smaller samples for different types of libraries Modular Libraries Identifying a Module Library from Code Templates For...