安装 安装 1.安装protoc二进制文件 下载地址: https : //github.com/google/protobuf/releases mv bin / protoc / usr / local / bin / mv - r include / google / usr / local / include / 2.安...
Schema Registry Register schema Parameters Show schemas Describe a schema Drop a schema Schema Registry The eKuiper command line tools allows you to manage schemas, such as...
Generating Protobufs with entproto Generating Protobufs with entproto As Ent and Protobuf schemas are not identical, we must supply some annotations on our schema to help entpro...
Generating Protobufs with entproto Generating Protobufs with entproto As Ent and Protobuf schemas are not identical, we must supply some annotations on our schema to help entpro...
Generating Protobufs with entproto Generating Protobufs with entproto As Ent and Protobuf schemas are not identical, we must supply some annotations on our schema to help entpro...
Generating Protobufs with entproto Generating Protobufs with entproto As Ent and Protobuf schemas are not identical, we must supply some annotations on our schema to help entpro...