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  • XA_END

    语法 参数解释 返回值 使用说明 XA_END 函数用于取消当前会话与 xid 指定的事务分支的关联。 当控制线程完成或需要暂停事务分支上的事务时,事务管理器将调用 XA_END,当应用程序部分或全部完成其工作时(例如,在阻止某个事件以使其他控制线程在分支上工作的操作之前),将调用 XA_END 。XA_END 成功返回值后,控制调用线程不再与...
  • Front-end

    469 2019-12-14 《Angel v2.x Document》
    Mustache Templates Jael template engine compiled_mustache-based engine html_builder-based engine Markdown template engine Using Angel with Angular
  • Style guide for writing end-to-end tests

    760 2020-07-27 《Gitlab 中文文档》
    Style guide for writing end-to-end tests Style guide for writing end-to-end tests click_ versus go_to_ When to use click_ ? When to use go_to_ ? Element naming convention Exa...
  • End of life dates

    End of life dates Summary Versions Maintenance policies Maintenance table End of life dates Summary EMQX Enterprise will provide an 18-month maintenance cycle for the major...
  • 4.11 End of subscription

    4.11 End of subscription 4.11 End of subscription No stipulation.
  • Front-end

    Front-end Front-end Templates Including templates Including CSS and JavaScript Including images JavaScript Sending the CSRF token Generating URLs Extending core parts...
  • XA_END

    语法 参数解释 返回值 使用说明 XA_END 函数用于取消当前会话与 xid 指定的事务分支的关联。 当控制线程完成或需要暂停事务分支上的事务时,事务管理器将调用 XA_END,当应用程序部分或全部完成其工作时(例如,在阻止某个事件以使其他控制线程在分支上工作的操作之前),将调用 XA_END 。XA_END 成功返回值后,控制调用线程不再与...
  • End user RBAC

    End user RBAC Using calicoctl Network admin Service owner Next End user RBAC In this lab we will set up role-based access control (RBAC) suitable for running the cluster in...
  • Front-end

    Managing CSS and JavaScript Webpack Encore Encore Documentation Getting Started Adding more Features Optimizing Guides Issues & Questions Full API Other Front-End Articles ...
  • Beginner’s guide to writing end-to-end tests

    933 2020-07-27 《Gitlab 中文文档》
    Beginner’s guide to writing end-to-end tests Beginner’s guide to writing end-to-end tests Before you write a test Determine if end-to-end tests are needed Identify the DevOps st...