Change to Function-Scoped Strict Mode Change to Function-Scoped Strict Mode When strict mode was introduced in ECMAScript 5, the language was quite a bit simpler than it became...
Preface Please support this book: buy it (PDF, EPUB, MOBI) or donate Preface You are reading a book about ECMAScript 6 (ES6), a new version of JavaScript. It’s great that...
Introduction Introduction The JavaScript core language features are defined in a standard called ECMA-262. The language defined in this standard is called ECMAScript. What you ...
4.7 Further reading and sources of this chapter 4.7 Further reading and sources of this chapter Environments and the global object in the ECMAScript specification: Section “L...
Defined Defined JS is an implementation of the ECMAScript standard (version ES2019 as of this writing), which is guided by the TC39 committee and hosted by ECMA. It runs in bro...
20. JSON superset Please support this book: buy it or donate 20. JSON superset This chapter covers the ES2019 feature “JSON superset ” by Richard Gibson) is at [stage 4](...
Summary Summary Objects are the center of programming in JavaScript, and ECMAScript 6 made some helpful changes to objects that both make them easier to deal with and more powe...
The Array Problem The Array Problem The JavaScript array object behaves in ways that developers couldn’t mimic in their own objects before ECMASCript 6. An array’s length prop...