抓起 笔刷设置 通用 专用设置 附加工作流 抓起 参考 模式: 雕刻模式 工具: 工具栏 ‣ 抓起 快捷键: G Drag geometry across the screen, following the cursor. Grab only moves the vertices that are under the brush ...
抓起 笔刷设置 抓起 参考 模式 雕刻模式 工具 Toolbar ‣ Grab 快捷键 G Used to drag a group of vertices around. Grab selects a group of vertices on mouse-down, and pulls them to follow the mouse...
抓起 笔刷设置 抓起 参考 模式 雕刻模式 工具 Toolbar ‣ Grab 快捷键 G Used to drag a group of vertices around. Grab selects a group of vertices on mouse-down, and pulls them to follow the mouse...
抓起 笔刷设置 抓起 参考 模式 雕刻模式 工具 Toolbar ‣ Grab 快捷键 G Used to drag a group of vertices around. Grab selects a group of vertices on mouse-down, and pulls them to follow the mouse...
抓起 笔刷设置 抓起 参考 模式 雕刻模式 工具 Toolbar ‣ Grab 快捷键 G Used to drag a group of vertices around. Grab selects a group of vertices on mouse-down, and pulls them to follow the mous...