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  • wide

    wide Command Output wide Print the default columns plus some additional columns. Print the default columns plus some additional columns. Note: Some columns may not directl...
  • Wide Columns

    Background API Write APIs Read APIs Compaction filters Current status and future work Background RocksDB has historically been a pure key-value store, where keys and values...
  • Wide & Deep

    Wide & Deep 环境和准备 软件要求 数据准备 OneFlow-WDL脚本 运行OneFlow-WDL脚本 测试结果及说明 多GPU性能测试 batch size=16384每卡,多卡性能测试 单GPU卡不同batch size性能测试 超大词表测试 收敛性测试1 收敛性测试2 Wide & Deep HugeCTR 是...
  • Deep And Wide(DAW)

    Deep And Wide 1. 算法介绍 1.1 Deep and Wide中的层 1.3 网络构建 2. 运行与性能 2.1 Json配置文件说明 2.2 提交脚本说明 Deep And Wide 1. 算法介绍 Deep and Wide算法是将Embedding的结果直接输入DNN进一步提取高阶特特交叉, 最后将一阶特征与高阶...
  • Cluster Wide Settings

    Cluster Wide Settings Non-Runtime Cluster Wide Settings Collecting Stats Usage Data Collector Graceful Stop Bulk Operations Discovery Unicast Host Discovery Discovery via DNS ...
  • Deep And Wide(DAW)

    Deep And Wide 1. 算法介绍 1.1 Deep and Wide中的层 1.3 网络构建 2. 运行与性能 2.1 Json配置文件说明 2.2 提交脚本说明 Deep And Wide 1. 算法介绍 Deep and Wide算法是将Embedding的结果直接输入DNN进一步提取高阶特特交叉, 最后将一阶特征与高阶...
  • Distribution-wide Changes

    Distribution-wide Changes Scale ZRAM to Full Memory Size New package: fbrnch ARMv7 to use UEFI as default for all armhfp generated images Main is a new name for default git repo...
  • Process-wide parameters

    Process-wide parameters Process-wide parameters int Py_SetStandardStreamEncoding (const char encoding*, const char errors*) This function should be called before Py_Initializ...
  • Cluster-wide settings

    Cluster-wide settings Non-runtime cluster-wide settings Collecting stats Shard limits Usage data collector Graceful stop Bulk operations Discovery Unicast host discovery Disc...
  • System-wide Replay

    844 2018-03-21 《PX4开发指南》
    System-wide Replay Prerequisites Usage Important Notes EKF2 Replay Behind the Scenes System-wide Replay Based on ORB messages, it’s possible to record and replay arbitrary...