书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.035 秒,为您找到 122 个相关结果.
  • Why Dask?

    845 2020-01-13 《Dask 2.9.1 Document》
    Why Dask? Python’s role in Data Science Dask has a Familiar API Dask Scales out to Clusters Dask Scales Down to Single Computers Dask Integrates Natively with Python Code Dask...
  • Dask DataFrames

    Dask DataFrames When to use dask.dataframe Create data Setup Real Data What just happened? Computations with dask.dataframe Exercises 1.) How many rows are in our dataset? 2...
  • Presentations On Dask

    931 2020-01-13 《Dask 2.9.1 Document》
    Presentations On Dask Presentations On Dask PyCon Korea 2019, August 2019 Adapting from Spark to Dask: what to expect (18 minutes) SciPy 2019, July 2019 Refactoring the Sci...
  • Install Dask

    835 2020-01-13 《Dask 2.9.1 Document》
    Install Dask Conda Pip Install from Source Anaconda Optional dependencies Test Install Dask You can install dask with conda , with pip , or by installing from source. ...
  • Dask Cheat Sheet

    435 2020-01-13 《Dask 2.9.1 Document》
    Dask Cheat Sheet Dask Cheat Sheet The 300KB pdf Dask cheat sheet is a single page summary about using Dask.It is commonly distributed at conferences and trade shows.
  • Parallel computing with Dask

    Parallel computing with Dask What is a Dask array? Reading and writing data Using Dask with xarray Automatic parallelization Chunking and performance Optimization Tips Pa...
  • 使用Dask扩展

    2322 2019-02-17 《Airflow 中文文档》
    使用Dask扩展 使用Dask扩展 译者:@ImPerat0R_ 、@ThinkingChen DaskExecutor 允许您在Dask分布式集群中运行Airflow任务。 Dask集群可以在单个机器上运行,也可以在远程网络上运行。有关完整详细信息,请参阅分布式文档 。 要创建集群,首先启动一个Scheduler: # 一个本地集...
  • Install Dask.Distributed

    Install Dask.Distributed Conda Pip Source Notes Install Dask.Distributed You can install dask.distributed with conda , with pip , or by installingfrom source. Conda To i...
  • Parallelize code with dask.delayed

    Parallelize code with dask.delayed Basics Parallelize with the dask.delayed decorator What just happened? Some questions to consider: Exercise: Parallelize a for loop Exercise...
  • Development Guidelines

    868 2020-01-13 《Dask 2.9.1 Document》
    Development Guidelines Where to ask for help Separate Code Repositories Issues Development Environment Download code Install Run Tests Contributing to Code Python Versions ...