Description 说明
integer/array image.get(object parameters)
The method allows to retrieve images according to the given parameters.该方法允许根据给定的参数检索图像
Parameters 参数
Parameters defining the desired output.定义所需输出的参数。
The method supports the following parameters.该方法支持以下参数。
属性 | 类型 | 说明 |
imageids | string/array | Return only images with the given IDs.只返回具有给定ID的图像 |
sysmapids | string/array | Return images that are used on the given maps. 返回给定地图上使用的图像。 |
select_image | flag | Return the Base64 encoded image in the image property.返回“image”属性中的Base64编码图像。 |
sortfield | string/array | Sort the result by the given properties. 按照给定的属性对结果进行排序Possible values are: imageid and name . 可能的值为:imageid 和name 。 |
countOutput | flag | These parameters being common for all get methods are described in detail in the reference commentary. 这些参数对于所有的“get”方法是常见的,在参考评论中有详细描述 |
editable | boolean | |
excludeSearch | flag | |
filter | object | |
limit | integer | |
output | query | |
preservekeys | flag | |
search | object | |
searchByAny | boolean | |
searchWildcardsEnabled | boolean | |
sortorder | string/array | |
startSearch | flag |
Return values 返回值
Returns either:返回:
an array of objects;一组对象;
the count of retrieved objects, if the
parameter has been used.如果已经使用“countOutput”参数,则检索到的对象的计数。
Examples 示例
Retrieve an image 检索图像
Retrieve all data for image with ID “2”.检索ID为“2”的图像的所有数据。
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "method": "image.get",
- "params": {
- "output": "extend",
- "select_image": true,
- "imageids": "2"
- },
- "auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
- "id": 1
- }
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "result": [
- {
- "imageid": "2",
- "imagetype": "1",
- "name": "Cloud_(24)",
- "image": "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"
- }
- ],
- "id": 1
- }
Source 来源
CImage::get() in frontends/php/include/classes/api/services/CImage.php.