
Description 描述

integer/array graphitem.get(object parameters)

The method allows to retrieve graph items according to the given parameters.此方法接受以下参数

Parameters 参数

(object) Parameters defining the desired output.(关联数组) 定义所需输出的参数

The method supports the following parameters.此方法支持以下参数:

Parameter参数 Type类型 Description描述
图形项目ID gitemids string/array 字符串型/数组 Return only graph items with the given IDs. 只返回指定ID的图形项目。
图形ID graphids string/array 字符串型/数组 Return only graph items that belong to the given graphs.只返回属于指定图形的图形项目。
监控项ID itemids string/array 字符串型/数组 Return only graph items with the given item IDs.只返回指定监控项ID的图形项目
类型 type integer整数型 Return only graph items with the given type. 只返回指定类型的图形项目。Refer to the graph item object page for a list of supported graph item types.关于支持的图形项目类型,参见图形项目对象的列表
选择图形 selectGraphs query 请求 Return the graph that the item belongs to as an array in the graphs property.返回graphs参数正确的图像
排序条件 sortfield string/array 字符串型/数组 Sort the result by the given properties. 按指定的参数排序Possible values are: gitemid.可用值为: gitemid
countOutput flagThese parameters being common for all get methods are described in detail in the reference commentary page.这些参数对于所有get方法都是通用的,在附录1:参考中,查看详细描述。
editable boolean
limit integer
output query
preservekeys flag
sortorder string/array

Return values 返回值

(integer/array) Returns either:返回整数或数组:

  • an array of objects返回一个对象数组;

  • the count of retrieved objects, if the countOutput parameter has been used.如果countOutput被使用,返回检索对象的计数。


Retrieving graph items from a graph 从图形中检索图形项目

Retrieve all graph items used in a graph with additional information about the item and the host.检索被图形使用的所有图形项目包含监控项和主机的额外信息


  1. {
  2. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  3. "method": "graphitem.get",
  4. "params": {
  5. "output": "extend",
  6. "graphids": "387"
  7. },
  8. "auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
  9. "id": 1
  10. }


  1. {
  2. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  3. "result": [
  4. {
  5. "gitemid": "1242",
  6. "graphid": "387",
  7. "itemid": "22665",
  8. "drawtype": "1",
  9. "sortorder": "1",
  10. "color": "FF5555",
  11. "yaxisside": "0",
  12. "calc_fnc": "2",
  13. "type": "0",
  14. "key_": "system.cpu.util[,steal]",
  15. "hostid": "10001",
  16. "flags": "0",
  17. "host": "Template OS Linux"
  18. },
  19. {
  20. "gitemid": "1243",
  21. "graphid": "387",
  22. "itemid": "22668",
  23. "drawtype": "1",
  24. "sortorder": "2",
  25. "color": "55FF55",
  26. "yaxisside": "0",
  27. "calc_fnc": "2",
  28. "type": "0",
  29. "key_": "system.cpu.util[,softirq]",
  30. "hostid": "10001",
  31. "flags": "0",
  32. "host": "Template OS Linux"
  33. },
  34. {
  35. "gitemid": "1244",
  36. "graphid": "387",
  37. "itemid": "22671",
  38. "drawtype": "1",
  39. "sortorder": "3",
  40. "color": "009999",
  41. "yaxisside": "0",
  42. "calc_fnc": "2",
  43. "type": "0",
  44. "key_": "system.cpu.util[,interrupt]",
  45. "hostid": "10001",
  46. "flags": "0",
  47. "host": "Template OS Linux"
  48. }
  49. ],
  50. "id": 1
  51. }

See also 参见


CGraphItem::get() in frontends/php/include/classes/api/services/CGraphItem.php.