> Dashboard object

The following objects are directly related to the dashboard API.


The dashboard object has the following properties.

dashboardidstring(readonly) ID of the dashboard.
stringName of the dashboard.
useridstringDashboard owner user ID.
privateintegerType of dashboard sharing.

Possible values:
0 - public dashboard;
1 - (default) private dashboard.
display_periodintegerDefault page display period (in seconds).

Possible values: 10, 30, 60, 120, 600, 1800, 3600.

Default: 30.
auto_startintegerAuto start slideshow.

Possible values:
0 - do not auto start slideshow;
1 - (default) auto start slideshow.

Dashboard page

The dashboard page object has the following properties.

dashboard_pageidstring(readonly) ID of the dashboard page.
namestringDashboard page name.

Default: empty string.
display_periodintegerDashboard page display period (in seconds).

Possible values: 0, 10, 30, 60, 120, 600, 1800, 3600.

Default: 0 (will use the default page display period).
widgetsarrayArray of the dashboard widget objects.

Dashboard widget

The dashboard widget object has the following properties.

widgetidstring(readonly) ID of the dashboard widget.
stringType of the dashboard widget.

Possible values:
actionlog - Action log;
clock - Clock;
dataover - Data overview;
discovery - Discovery status;
favgraphs - Favorite graphs;
favmaps - Favorite maps;
graph - Graph (classic);
graphprototype - Graph prototype;
hostavail - Host availability;
item - Item value;
map - Map;
navtree - Map Navigation Tree;
plaintext - Plain text;
problemhosts - Problem hosts;
problems - Problems;
problemsbysv - Problems by severity;
svggraph - Graph;
systeminfo - System information;
tophosts - Top hosts;
trigover - Trigger overview;
url - URL;
web - Web monitoring.
namestringCustom widget name.
xintegerA horizontal position from the left side of the dashboard.

Valid values range from 0 to 23.
yintegerA vertical position from the top of the dashboard.

Valid values range from 0 to 62.
widthintegerThe widget width.

Valid values range from 1 to 24.
heightintegerThe widget height.

Valid values range from 2 to 32.
view_modeintegerThe widget view mode.

Possible values:
0 - (default) default widget view;
1 - with hidden header;
fieldsarrayArray of the dashboard widget field objects.

Dashboard widget field

The dashboard widget field object has the following properties.

integerType of the widget field.

Possible values:
0 - Integer;
1 - String;
2 - Host group;
3 - Host;
4 - Item;
6 - Graph;
8 - Map;
namestringWidget field name.
mixedWidget field value depending of type.

Dashboard user group

List of dashboard permissions based on user groups. It has the following properties.

stringUser group ID.
integerType of permission level.

Possible values:
2 - read only;
3 - read-write;

Dashboard user

List of dashboard permissions based on users. It has the following properties.

stringUser ID.
integerType of permission level.

Possible values:
2 - read only;
3 - read-write;