Install and use Extensions

This page documents how to install and use PostgreSQL extensions that are tested to work with YSQL. Note that since YugabyteDB’s storage architecture is not the same as that of native PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL extensions especially those that interact with the storage layer are not expected to work as-is on YugabyteDB. We intend to incrementally develop support for as many extensions as possible.

Use Included Extensions

These are extensions that are included in the standard YugabyteDB distribution and can be enabled in YSQL by simply running the CREATE EXTENSION statememt.


The pgcrypto extension provides various cryptographic functions.


  1. CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;
  2. CREATE TABLE pgcrypto_example(id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), content text, digest text);
  3. INSERT INTO pgcrypto_example (content, digest) values ('abc', digest('abc', 'sha1'));
  4. SELECT * FROM pgcrypto_example;
  1. id | content | digest
  2. --------------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------
  3. b8f2e2f7-0b8d-4d26-8902-fa4f5277869d | abc | \xa9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d
  4. (1 row)

For more information see pgcrypto in the PostgreSQL Docs.


The fuzzystrmatch extension provides several functions to determine similarities and distance between strings.


  1. CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;
  2. SELECT levenshtein('Yugabyte', 'yugabyte'), metaphone('yugabyte', 8);
  1. levenshtein | metaphone
  2. -------------+-----------
  3. 2 | YKBT
  4. (1 row)

spi module

The spi module includes several separate extensions using the Server Programming Interface (SPI) and triggers.The specific extensions currently supported in YSQL are:

  • insert_username: functions for tracking who changed a table
  • moddatetime: Functions for tracking last modification time
  • autoinc: functions for autoincrementing fields
  • refint: functions for implementing referential integrity


  • Set up a table with triggers for tracking modification time and user (role).Connect with ysqlsh and run the commands below.
  1. CREATE EXTENSION insert_username;
  2. CREATE EXTENSION moddatetime;
  3. CREATE TABLE spi_test (
  4. id int primary key,
  5. content text,
  6. username text not null,
  8. );
  9. CREATE TRIGGER insert_usernames
  12. EXECUTE PROCEDURE insert_username (username);
  13. CREATE TRIGGER update_moddatetime
  14. BEFORE UPDATE ON spi_test
  16. EXECUTE PROCEDURE moddatetime (moddate);
  • Insert some rows.Each insert should add the current role as username and the current timestamp as moddate.
  1. SET ROLE yugabyte;
  2. INSERT INTO spi_test VALUES(1, 'desc1');
  3. SET ROLE postgres;
  4. INSERT INTO spi_test VALUES(2, 'desc2');
  5. INSERT INTO spi_test VALUES(3, 'desc3');
  6. SET ROLE yugabyte;
  7. INSERT INTO spi_test VALUES(4, 'desc4');
  8. SELECT * FROM spi_test ORDER BY id;
  1. id | content | username | moddate
  2. ----+---------+----------+----------------------------
  3. 1 | desc1 | yugabyte | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.969907
  4. 2 | desc2 | postgres | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.983306
  5. 3 | desc3 | postgres | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.98658
  6. 4 | desc4 | yugabyte | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.991315
  7. (4 rows)

NoteYSQL should have users yugabyte and (for compatibility) postgres created by default.

  • Update some rows.Should update both username and moddate accordingly.
  1. UPDATE spi_test SET content = 'desc1_updated' WHERE id = 1;
  2. UPDATE spi_test SET content = 'desc3_updated' WHERE id = 3;
  3. SELECT * FROM spi_test ORDER BY id;
  1. id | content | username | moddate
  2. ----+---------------+----------+----------------------------
  3. 1 | desc1_updated | yugabyte | 2019-09-13 16:56:27.623513
  4. 2 | desc2 | postgres | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.983306
  5. 3 | desc3_updated | yugabyte | 2019-09-13 16:56:27.634099
  6. 4 | desc4 | yugabyte | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.991315
  7. (4 rows)

For more information see spi module in the PostgreSQL Docs.

Install Other Extensions

Other extensions have to be installed manually before they can be enabled (with CREATE EXTENSION).

NoteCurrently, in a multi-node setup, the installation instructions below must be done on every node in the cluster.

Typically extensions need three types of files:

  • Shared library files (<name>.so)
  • SQL files (<name>—<version>.sql)
  • Control files (<name>.control)

In order to install an extension you need to copy these files into the respective directories of your YugabyteDB installation.

Shared library files will be in the pkglibdir directory while SQL and control files should be in the extension subdirectory of the libdir directory.To find these directories on your local installation, you can use Yugabyte’s pg_config executable.First, alias it to yb_pg_config by replacing <yugabyte-path> with the path to your YugabyteDB installation in the command below and then running it.

  1. $ alias yb_pg_config=/<yugabyte-path>/postgres/bin/pg_config

Now you can list existing shared libraries with:

  1. $ ls "$(yb_pg_config --pkglibdir)"

And SQL and control files for already-installed extensions with:

  1. $ ls "$(yb_pg_config --sharedir)"/extension/

To obtain these files for your target extension, you can build it from scratch following the extension’s build instructions.Alternatively, if you already have PostgreSQL (ideally version 11.2 for best YSQL compatibility) with that extension installed, then you can find these files as follows:

  1. $ ls "$(pg_config --pkglibdir)" | grep <name>
  1. $ ls "$(pg_config --sharedir)"/extension/ | grep <name>

Copy those files to the YugabyteDB installation.Restart the cluster (or the respective node in a multi-node install).Finally, connect to the cluster with ysqlsh and run the CREATE EXTENSION statement to create the extension.

NoteOnly some extensions are currently supported.If you encounter any problems with installing or using a particular extension please post an issue on our GitHub.


PostGIS is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL-compatible object-relational databases.The simplest way to set it up locally is to install it together with regular PostgreSQL.

For instance, on macOS, you can either

  1. $ brew install postgres && brew install postgis

Now follow the instructions described above to copy the needed files into your YugabyteDB installation, and then createthe extension.

  1. $ cp -v "$(pg_config --pkglibdir)"/*postgis*.so "$(yb_pg_config --pkglibdir)" &&
  2. cp -v "$(pg_config --sharedir)"/extension/*postgis*.sql "$(yb_pg_config --sharedir)"/extension &&
  3. cp -v "$(pg_config --sharedir)"/extension/*postgis*.control "$(yb_pg_config --sharedir)"/extension &&
  4. ./bin/ysqlsh -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis";

This might take a couple of minutes.


  1. $ wget -O "" && unzip
  • Extract the dataset using the shp2pgsql tool.This should come with your PostgreSQL installation, it is not yet packaged with YSQL.
  1. $ shp2pgsql geo_export_*.shp > edmonton.sql
  • Edit the generated edmonton.sql for YSQL compatibility.First inline the PRIMARY KEY declaration for gid as YSQL does not yet support adding primary key contraints after the table creation.Additionally, for simplicity, change the table name (and references to it in the associated INSERTs) to just geo_export (i.e. remove the UUID postfix).The edmonton.sql file should now start as follows:
  3. BEGIN;
  4. CREATE TABLE "geo_export" (gid serial PRIMARY KEY,
  5. "area_km2" numeric,
  6. "name" varchar(254),
  7. "number" numeric);
  8. SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','geo_export','geom','0','MULTIPOLYGON',2);
  9. INSERT INTO "geo_export" ("area_km2","name","number",geom) VALUES ...
  • Load the sample data.
  1. $ ./bin/ysqlsh -a -f edmonton.sql
  • Run some sample queries.Connect with ysqlsh and run:
  1. SELECT name, area_km2, ST_Area(geom), ST_Area(geom)/area_km2 AS area_ratio FROM "geo_export" LIMIT 10;
  1. name | area_km2 | st_area | area_ratio
  2. ----------------------------+-------------------+----------------------+----------------------
  3. River Valley Terwillegar | 3.077820277027079 | 0.000416617423004673 | 0.000135361192501822
  4. Carleton Square Industrial | 0.410191631391664 | 5.56435079305678e-05 | 0.000135652469899947
  5. Cy Becker | 1.015144841249301 | 0.000137900847258255 | 0.000135843518732308
  6. Elsinore | 0.841471068786406 | 0.000114331091817771 | 0.00013587049639468
  7. McLeod | 0.966538217483227 | 0.000131230296771637 | 0.000135773520796051
  8. Gainer Industrial | 0.342464541730177 | 4.63954326887451e-05 | 0.000135475142782225
  9. Coronet Industrial | 1.606907195063447 | 0.000217576340986435 | 0.000135400688760899
  10. Marquis | 9.979100854886905 | 0.00135608901739072 | 0.000135892906295924
  11. South Terwillegar | 1.742840325820606 | 0.000235695089933611 | 0.000135236192576985
  12. Carlisle | 0.961897333826841 | 0.000130580966739925 | 0.000135753538499185
  13. (10 rows)
  1. SELECT, FROM "geo_export" AS a, "geo_export" AS b
  2. WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.geom) AND LIKE 'University of Alberta';
  1. name | name
  2. -----------------------+-------------------------
  3. University of Alberta | University of Alberta
  4. University of Alberta | McKernan
  5. University of Alberta | Belgravia
  6. University of Alberta | Garneau
  7. University of Alberta | River Valley Mayfair
  8. University of Alberta | River Valley Walterdale
  9. University of Alberta | Windsor Park
  10. (7 rows)

NoteYSQL does not yet support GiST indexes. This is tracked in this GitHub issue.


The uuid-ossp extension provides functions to generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) and also functions to produce certain special UUID constants.

The easiest way to install it is to copy the files from an existing PostgreSQL installation into Yugabyte, and then create the extension.

  1. $ cp -v "$(pg_config --pkglibdir)"/*uuid-ossp*.so "$(yb_pg_config --pkglibdir)" &&
  2. cp -v "$(pg_config --sharedir)"/extension/*uuid-ossp*.sql "$(yb_pg_config --sharedir)"/extension &&
  3. cp -v "$(pg_config --sharedir)"/extension/*uuid-ossp*.control "$(yb_pg_config --sharedir)"/extension &&
  4. ./bin/ysqlsh -c "CREATE EXTENSION \"uuid-ossp\"";


Connect with ysqlsh and run:

  1. SELECT uuid_generate_v1(), uuid_generate_v4(), uuid_nil();
  1. uuid_generate_v1 | uuid_generate_v4 | uuid_nil
  2. --------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
  3. 69975ce4-d827-11e9-b860-bf2e5a7e1380 | 088a9b6c-46d8-4276-852b-64908b06a503 | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  4. (1 row)