yugabyted Beta

Use the yugabyted daemon, with its commands and options, to start a local cluster and explore a retail demo database. You can also use the YugabyteDB Admin Console. The yugabyted executable file is located in the YugabyteDB home’s bin directory.

Noteyugabyted is under active development with new features and functionality being added incrementally. If you find missing features, use yb-ctl utility to develop and test local clusters. For production deployments, configure your clusters using yb-tserver and yb-master.


  1. yugabyted [-h] [ <command> ] [ <options> ]
  • command: command to run
  • options: one or more options, separated by spaces.

Command-line help

You can access the overview command line help for yugabyted by running one of the following examples from the YugabyteDB home.

  1. $ ./bin/yugabyted -h
  1. $ ./bin/yugabyted -help

For help with specific yugabyted commands, run ‘yugabyted [ command ] -h’. For example, you can print the command line help for the yugabyted start command by running the following:

  1. $ ./bin/yugabyted start -h


The following commands are available:


Use the yugabyted start command to start a one-node YugabyteDB cluster in your local environment. This one-node cluster includes yb-tserver and yb-master services.


  1. yugabyted start
  2. [ -h | --help ]
  3. [ --config <config-file> ]
  4. [ --data_dir <data-dir> ]
  5. [ --log_dir <log-dir> ]
  6. [ --ycql_port <ycql-port> ]
  7. [ --ysql_port <ysql-port> ]
  8. [ --master_rpc_port <master-rpc-port> ]
  9. [ --tserver_rpc_port <tserver-rpc-port> ]
  10. [ --master_webserver_port <master-webserver-port> ]
  11. [ --tserver_webserver_port <tserver-webserver-port> ]
  12. [ --webserver_port <webserver-port> ]
  13. [ --bind_ip BIND_IP ]
  14. [ --daemon <bool> ]
  15. [ --callhome <bool> ]
  16. [ --ui <bool> ]


-h, —help

Print the commmand line help and exit.

—config config-file

The path to the configuration file.

—data_dir data-directory

The directory where YugabyteDB stores data.

—log_dir log-directory

The directory to store YugabyteDB logs.

—ycql_port ycql-port

The port on which YCQL will run.

—ysql_port ysql-port

The port on which YSQL will run.

—master_rpc_port master-rpc-port

The port on which YB-Master will listen for RPC calls.

—tserver_rpc_port tserver-rpc-port

The port on which YB-TServer will listen for RPC calls.

—master_webserver_port master-webserver-port

The port on which YB-Master webserver will run.

—tserver_webserver_port tserver-webserver-port

The port on which YB-TServer webserver will run.

—webserver_port webserver-port

The port on which main webserver will run.

—bind_ip bind-ip

The IP address to which yugabyted processes will bind.

—daemon bool

Enable or disable running yugabyted in the background as a daemon. Does not persist on restart. Default is true.

—callhome bool

Enable or disable the “call home” feature that sends analytics data to Yugabyte. Default is true.

—ui bool

Enable or disable the webserver UI. Default is true.


Use the yugabted stop command to stop a YugabyteDB cluster.


  1. yugabyted stop [ -h ] [ --config <config-file> ] [ --data_dir <data-directory> ]


-h | —help

Print the command line help and exit.

—config config-file

The path to the YugabyteDB configuration file.

—data_dir data-directory

The directory where YugabyteDB will store data.


Use the yugabyted status command to check the status.


  1. yugabyted status [ -h | --help ] [ --config <config-file> ] [ --data_dir <data-directory> ]


-h —help

Print the command line help and exit.

—config config-file

The path to the YugabyteDB configuration file.

—data_dir data-directory

The directory where YugabyteDB stores data.


Use the yugabyted version command to check the version number.


  1. yugabyted version [ -h | --help ] [ --config <config-file> ] [ --data_dir <data-directory> ]


-h | —help

Print the help message and exit.

—config config-file

The path to the YugabyteDB configuration file.

—data_dir data-directory

The directory where YugabyteDB stores data.


Use the yugabyted demo command to start YugabyteDB with a retail demo database. Get started with YSQL by using the Explore YSQL tutorial in the Quick start guide.

NoteWhen you quit the demo instance, the retail demo database is deleted and any changes you’ve made are lost.


  1. yugabyted demo [ -h | -help ] [ --config <config-file> ] [ --data_dir <data-directory> ]


-h | —help

Print the help message and exit.

—config config-file

The path to the YugabyteDB configuration file.

—data_dir data_directory

The directory where YugabyteDB stores data.