Key-value workload

Use this benchmark to test the performance of YugabyteDB using a key-value workload.

Cluster configuration

For this benchmark, we will setup a three-node YugabyteDB cluster with a replication factor of 3.

Machine configuration

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    • Instance type: i3.4xlarge
    • Storage: 2 x 1.9 TB NVMe SSD (comes preconfigured with the instance)
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

    • Instance type: n1-standard-16
    • Storage: 2 x 375 GB SSD
  • On-premise data center

    • Instance: 16 CPU cores
    • Storage: 1 x 200 GB SSD (minimum)
    • RAM size: 30 GB (minimum)

Benchmark tool

We will use the YugabyteDB Workload Generator to perform this benchmark.

To get the tool (`yb-sample-apps.jar), run the following command.

  1. $ wget -O yb-sample-apps.jar

To run the workload generator tool, you must have:

  • Java runtime or JDK installed.
  • Set the environment variable $ENDPOINTS to the IP addresses (including hosts and ports) for the nodes of the cluster.
  1. ENDPOINTS="X.X.X.X:9042,X.X.X.X:9042,X.X.X.X:9042"

Run the write-heavy key-value workload

Run the key-value workload with higher number of write threads (representing write-heavy workload).

Load 1B keys of 256 bytes each across 256 writer threads

  1. $ java -jar ./yb-sample-apps.jar \
  2. --workload CassandraKeyValue \
  3. --nodes $ENDPOINTS \
  4. --nouuid \
  5. --value_size 256 \
  6. --num_threads_read 0 \
  7. --num_threads_write 256 \
  8. --num_unique_keys 1000000000

Expected results

Write Ops/sec~90k
Read Latency~2.5-3.0 ms/op
CPU (User + Sys)60%

Run the read-heavy key-value workload

Run the key-value workload with higher number of read threads (representing read-heavy workload).

Load 1M keys of 256 bytes and access them with 256 reader threads.

  1. $ java -jar ./yb-sample-apps.jar \
  2. --workload CassandraKeyValue \
  3. --nodes $ENDPOINTS \
  4. --nouuid \
  5. --value_size 256 \
  6. --num_threads_read 256 \
  7. --num_threads_write 0 \
  8. --num_unique_keys 1000000

Expected results

(Read) Ops/sec~150k
(Read) Latency~1.66 ms/op
CPU (User + Sys)60%

Batch write-heavy KV workload

Run the key-value workload in batch mode and higher number of write threads (representing batched, write-heavy workload).

Load 1B keys of 256 bytes each across 64 writer threads in batches of 25 each.

  1. $ java -jar ./yb-sample-apps.jar \
  2. --workload CassandraBatchKeyValue \
  3. --nodes $ENDPOINTS \
  4. --nouuid \
  5. --batch_size 25 \
  6. --value_size 256 \
  7. --num_threads_read 0 \
  8. --num_threads_write 64 \
  9. --num_unique_keys 1000000000

Expected results

(Batch Write) Ops/sec~140k
(Batch Write) Latency~9.0 ms/op
CPU (User + Sys)80%