
AttentionThis page documents an earlier version. Go to the latest (v2.1)version.

yb-master, located in the bin directory of Yugabyte home, is the YB-Master binary.


  1. $ ./bin/yb-master \
  2. --master_addresses 172.151.17.v1.0:7100,,172.151.17.v1.0:7100 \
  3. --fs_data_dirs "/home/centos/disk1,/home/centos/disk2" \
  4. --replication_factor=3 &


Use the —help option to see all the commands supported.

  1. $ ./bin/yb-master --help

Config flags

—master_addressesYN/AComma-separated list of all the RPC addresses for yb-master consensus-configuration.
—fs_data_dirsYN/AComma-separated list of directories where the yb-master will place all it’s yb-data/master data directory.
—fs_wal_dirsNSame value as —fs_data_dirsThe directory where the yb-master will place its write-ahead logs. May be the same as one of the directories listed in —fs_data_dirs, but not a sub-directory of a data directory.
—log_dirNSame value as —fs_data_dirsThe directory to store yb-master log files.
—rpc_bind_addressesN0.0.0.0:7100Comma-separated list of addresses to bind to for RPC connections.
—webserver_portN7000Monitoring web server port
—webserver_doc_rootNThe www directory in the YugabyteDB home directoryMonitoring web server home
—replication_factorN3Number of replicas to store for each tablet in the universe.
—placement_cloudNcloud1Name of the cloud where this instance is deployed
—placement_regionNdatacenter1Name of the region or datacenter where this instance is deployed
—placement_zoneNrack1Name of the availability zone or rack where this instance is deployed
—flagfileNN/ALoad flags from the specified file.
—versionNN/AShow version and build info

Admin UI

The Admin UI for yb-master is available at http://localhost:7000.


Home page of the yb-master that gives a high level overview of the cluster. Note all yb-masters in a cluster show exactly the same information.



List of tables present in the cluster.


Tablet servers

List of all nodes (aka yb-tservers) present in the cluster.



List of all utilities available to debug the performance of the cluster.


Default ports reference

The various default ports are listed below.

yb-masteradmin web server7000