
GPG 私钥可以被复制或者导入进 Yubikey,下面的例子是把私钥导入 Yubikey。

【译者注:私钥一旦被导入 Yubikey 即无法导出,建议冷备份

  1. gpg --edit-key <keyId>
  2. gpg> toggle
  3. gpg> key 1
  4. gpg> keytocard
  5. Please select where to store the key:
  6. (1) Signature key
  7. (3) Authentication key
  8. Your selection? 1
  9. gpg> key 1
  10. gpg> key 2
  11. gpg> keytocard
  12. Please select where to store the key:
  13. (2) Encryption key
  14. Your selection? 2
  15. gpg> key 2
  16. gpg> key 3
  17. gpg> keytocard
  18. Please select where to store the key:
  19. (3) Authentication key
  20. Your selection? 3
  21. gpg> quit

确保私钥已经被移动到 Yubikey 中:

  1. gpg --list-secret-keys

如果你看到 ssb>,它显示的的是 Yubikey 上私钥的存根,意味着导入已经成功。


  1. gpg --card-status