
The component “link” is the mechanism through which components are able to create callbacks and update themselves.


Sends a message to the component. Messages are handled by the update method which determines whether the component should re-render.


Sends multiple messages to the component at the same time. This is similar to send_message but if any of the messages cause the update method to return true, the component will re-render after all messages in the batch have been processed.

If the given vector is empty, this function doesn’t do anything.


Create a callback that will send a message to the component when it is executed. Under the hood, it will call send_message with the message returned by the provided closure.

There is a different method called callback_once which accepts a FnOnce instead of a Fn. You should use this with care though, as the resulting callback will panic if executed more than once.

  1. // Create a callback that accepts some text and sends it to the component as the `Msg::Text` message variant.
  2. let cb = link.callback(|text: String| Msg::Text(text));
  3. // The previous line is needlessly verbose to make it clearer.
  4. // It can be simplified it to this:
  5. let cb = link.callback(Msg::Text);
  6. // Will send `Msg::Text("Hello World!")` to the component.
  7. cb.emit("Hello World!".to_owned());


Create a callback that will send a batch of messages to the component when it is executed. The difference to callback is that the closure passed to this method doesn’t have to return a message. Instead, the closure can return either Vec<Msg> or Option<Msg> where Msg is the component’s message type.

Vec<Msg> is treated as a batch of messages and uses send_message_batch under the hood.

Option<Msg> calls send_message if it is Some. If the value is None, nothing happens. This can be used in cases where, depending on the situation, an update isn’t required.

This is achieved using the SendAsMessage trait which is only implemented for these types. You can implement SendAsMessage for your own types which allows you to use them in batch_callback.

Like callback, this method also has a FnOnce counterpart, batch_callback_once. The same restrictions apply as for callback_once.


(This might need its own short page.)

Callbacks are used to communicate with services, agents, and parent components within Yew. Internally their type is just Fn wrapped in Rc to allow them to be cloned.

They have an emit function that takes their <IN> type as an argument and converts that to a message expected by its destination. If a callback from a parent is provided in props to a child component, the child can call emit on the callback in its update lifecycle hook to send a message back to its parent. Closures or Functions provided as props inside the html! macro are automatically converted to Callbacks.

A simple use of a callback might look something like this:

  1. use yew::html;
  2. let onclick =|_| Msg::Clicked);
  3. html! {
  4. <button onclick=onclick>{ "Click" }</button>
  5. }

The function passed to callback must always take a parameter. For example, the onclick handler requires a function which takes a parameter of type MouseEvent. The handler can then decide what kind of message should be sent to the component. This message is scheduled for the next update loop unconditionally.

If you need a callback that might not need to cause an update, use batch_callback.

  1. use yew::html;
  2. let onkeypress =|event| {
  3. if event.key() == "Enter" {
  4. Some(Msg::Submit)
  5. } else {
  6. None
  7. }
  8. });
  9. html! {
  10. <input type="text" onkeypress=onkeypress />
  11. }

Relevant examples