
要移除一个使用 yarn link 创建的符号链接的包,可以使用 yarn unlink

在之前用来创建链接的目录里运行 yarn unlink

要取消开发期间你项目里用符号链接的包,简单运行 yarn unlink [package] 即可。 你需要运行 yarnyarn install 重新安装已经用符号链接的包。

Continued example from the yarn link documentation: assume two folders react and react-relay that are located next to each other with react linked into the react-relay project:

  1. $ cd react
  2. $ yarn unlink
  3. yarn link vx.x.x
  4. success Unregistered "react".
  1. $ cd ../react-relay
  2. $ yarn unlink react
  3. yarn link vx.x.x
  4. success Unregistered "react".


  • yarn link: 在本地开发环境里符号链接一个包。

原文: https://yarnpkg.com/zh-Hans/docs/cli/unlink