Required dependencies
Optional dependencies
For netCDF and IO
netCDF4: recommended if youwant to use xarray for reading or writing netCDF files
scipy: used as a fallback for reading/writing netCDF3
pydap: used as a fallback for accessing OPeNDAP
h5netcdf: an alternative library forreading and writing netCDF4 files that does not use the netCDF-C libraries
pynio: for reading GRIB and othergeoscience specific file formats
zarr: for chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays.
cftime: recommended if youwant to encode/decode datetimes for non-standard calendars or dates beforeyear 1678 or after year 2262.
PseudoNetCDF: recommendedfor accessing CAMx, GEOS-Chem (bpch), NOAA ARL files, ICARTT files(ffi1001) and many other.
rasterio: for reading GeoTiffs andother gridded raster datasets. (version 1.0 or later)
iris: for conversion to and from iris’Cube objects
cfgrib: for reading GRIB files via theECMWF ecCodes library.
For accelerating xarray
scipy: necessary to enable the interpolation features for xarray objects
bottleneck: speeds upNaN-skipping and rolling window aggregations by a large factor(1.1 or later)
numbagg: for exponential rollingwindow operations
For parallel computing
- dask.array (0.16 or later): required forParallel computing with Dask.
For plotting
matplotlib: required for Plotting(1.5 or later)
seaborn: for bettercolor palettes
nc-time-axis: for plottingcftime.datetime objects (1.2.0 or later)
xarray itself is a pure Python package, but its dependencies are not. Theeasiest way to get everything installed is to use conda. To install xarraywith its recommended dependencies using the conda command line tool:
- $ conda install xarray dask netCDF4 bottleneck
We recommend using the community maintained conda-forge channel if you need difficult-to-build dependencies such as cartopy, pynio or PseudoNetCDF:
- $ conda install -c conda-forge xarray cartopy pynio pseudonetcdf
New releases may also appear in conda-forge before being updated in the defaultchannel.
If you don’t use conda, be sure you have the required dependencies (numpy andpandas) installed first. Then, install xarray with pip:
- $ pip install xarray
To run the test suite after installing xarray, first install (via pypi or conda)
and runpy.test —pyargs xarray
Performance Monitoring
A fixed-point performance monitoring of (a part of) our codes can be seen onthis page.
To run these benchmark tests in a local machine, first install
- airspeed-velocity: a tool for benchmarking Python packages over their lifetime.
and runasv run # this will install some conda environments in ./.asv/envs