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正如我提到的,OpenTracing因为standardizes instrumentation, 监控标准化,会使得追踪过程变得容易。它意味着,你可以先进行追踪,再决定最终的实现方案。


  1. docker run --rm -ti -p 8080:8080 -p 8700:8700 bg451/opentracing-example





  1. // Acts as our index page
  2. func indexHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  3. w.Write([]byte(`<a href="/home"> Click here to start a request </a>`))
  4. }
  5. func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  6. w.Write([]byte("Request started"))
  7. go func() {
  8. http.Get("http://localhost:8080/async")
  9. }()
  10. http.Get("http://localhost:8080/service")
  11. time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(200)) * time.Millisecond)
  12. w.Write([]byte("Request done!"))
  13. }
  14. // Mocks a service endpoint that makes a DB call
  15. func serviceHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  16. // ...
  17. http.Get("http://localhost:8080/db")
  18. time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(200)) * time.Millisecond)
  19. // ...
  20. }
  21. // Mocks a DB call
  22. func dbHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  23. time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(200)) * time.Millisecond)
  24. // here would be the actual call to a DB.
  25. }


  1. func main() {
  2. port := 8080
  3. addr := fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port)
  4. mux := http.NewServeMux()
  5. mux.HandleFunc("/", indexHandler)
  6. mux.HandleFunc("/home", homeHandler)
  7. mux.HandleFunc("/async", serviceHandler)
  8. mux.HandleFunc("/service", serviceHandler)
  9. mux.HandleFunc("/db", dbHandler)
  10. fmt.Printf("Go to http://localhost:%d/home to start a request!\n", port)
  11. log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(addr, mux))
  12. }

将这些放到main.go文件中,运行go run main.go



  1. func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2. span := opentracing.StartSpan("/home") // Start a span using the global, in this case noop, tracer
  3. defer span.Finish()
  4. // ... the rest of the function
  5. }


  1. // The ext package provides a set of standardized tags available for use.
  2. import "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go/ext"
  3. func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  4. // ...
  5. // We record any errors now.
  6. _, err := http.Get("http://localhost:8080/service")
  7. if err != nil {
  8. ext.Error.Set(span, true) // Tag the span as errored
  9. span.LogEventWithPayload("GET service error", err) // Log the error
  10. }
  11. // ...
  12. }



  1. func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2. w.Write([]byte("Request started"))
  3. span := opentracing.StartSpan("/home")
  4. defer span.Finish()
  5. // Since we have to inject our span into the HTTP headers, we create a request
  6. asyncReq, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8080/async", nil)
  7. // Inject the span context into the header
  8. err := span.Tracer().Inject(span.Context(),
  9. opentracing.TextMap,
  10. opentracing.HTTPHeaderTextMapCarrier(asyncReq.Header))
  11. if err != nil {
  12. log.Fatalf("Could not inject span context into header: %v", err)
  13. }
  14. go func() {
  15. if _, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(asyncReq); err != nil {
  16. span.SetTag("error", true)
  17. span.LogEvent(fmt.Sprintf("GET /async error: %v", err))
  18. }
  19. }()
  20. // Repeat for the /service call.
  21. // ....
  22. }


  1. func serviceHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2. var sp opentracing.Span
  3. opName := r.URL.Path
  4. // Attempt to join a trace by getting trace context from the headers.
  5. wireContext, err := opentracing.GlobalTracer().Extract(
  6. opentracing.TextMap,
  7. opentracing.HTTPHeaderTextMapCarrier(r.Header))
  8. if err != nil {
  9. // If for whatever reason we can't join, go ahead an start a new root span.
  10. sp = opentracing.StartSpan(opName)
  11. } else {
  12. sp = opentracing.StartSpan(opName, opentracing.ChildOf(wireContext))
  13. }
  14. defer sp.Finish()
  15. // ... rest of the function




  1. import (
  2. "sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph/appdash"
  3. sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph/appdash/traceapp
  4. appdashot "sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph/appdash/opentracing"
  5. )
  6. func main() {
  7. // ...
  8. store := appdash.NewMemoryStore()
  9. // Listen on any available TCP port locally.
  10. l, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), Port: 0})
  11. if err != nil {
  12. log.Fatal(err)
  13. }
  14. collectorPort := l.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
  15. collectorAdd := fmt.Sprintf(":%d", collectorPort)
  16. // Start an Appdash collection server that will listen for spans and
  17. // annotations and add them to the local collector (stored in-memory).
  18. cs := appdash.NewServer(l, appdash.NewLocalCollector(store))
  19. go cs.Start()
  20. // Print the URL at which the web UI will be running.
  21. appdashPort := 8700
  22. appdashURLStr := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d", appdashPort)
  23. appdashURL, err := url.Parse(appdashURLStr)
  24. if err != nil {
  25. log.Fatalf("Error parsing %s: %s", appdashURLStr, err)
  26. }
  27. fmt.Printf("To see your traces, go to %s/traces\n", appdashURL)
  28. // Start the web UI in a separate goroutine.
  29. tapp, err := traceapp.New(nil, appdashURL)
  30. if err != nil {
  31. log.Fatal(err)
  32. }
  33. tapp.Store = store
  34. tapp.Queryer = store
  35. go func() {
  36. log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", appdashPort), tapp))
  37. }()
  38. tracer := appdashot.NewTracer(appdash.NewRemoteCollector(collectorPort))
  39. opentracing.InitGlobalTracer(tracer)
  40. // ...
  41. }


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  1. import zipkin "github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-go-opentracing"
  2. func main() {
  3. // ...
  4. // Replace Appdash tracer code with this
  5. collector, err := zipkin.NewKafkaCollector("ZIPKIN_ADDR")
  6. if err != nil {
  7. log.Fatal(err)
  8. return
  9. }
  10. tracer, err = zipkin.NewTracer(
  11. zipkin.NewRecorder(collector, false, "localhost:8000", "example"),
  12. )
  13. if err != nil {
  14. log.Fatal(err)
  15. }
  16. opentracing.InitGlobalTracer(tracer)
  17. // ...
  18. }
