v0.8.0 / 2023-08-07


  • Support external remote write and query (#290)


  • Gateway: Replace tenant matcher of query param for query api (#297)
  • Optimize ingester data cleanup when a tenant is deleted (#291)
  • Optimize transport parameters for agent proxy component (#286)


  • Fix values config in the chart (#292)

v0.8.0-rc.0 / 2023-07-27


  • Support external remote write and query (#290)


  • Optimize ingester data cleanup when a tenant is deleted (#291)
  • Optimize transport parameters for agent proxy component (#286)


  • Fix values config in the chart (#292)

v0.7.0 / 2023-06-30


  • Allow to override —query flag for global ruler to query external data sources(#277)


  • ruler watches router(#276)
  • remove alpn_protocols in envoy config(#275)

v0.7.0-rc.0 / 2023-06-21


  • Components support https configuration(#264)
  • Gateway supports tls configuration for downstream services(#263)


  • Fix ruler name conflicts (#265)
  • Fixed ruler name being too long(#250)
  • Optionally deploy Store HPA(#246)
  • Degrade Thanos Query to v0.30.2(#252)


  • Add cherry pick action in CI(#247)
  • Add --tsdb.out-of-order.time-window=10m flag to ingester(#252)

v0.6.2 / 2023-05-12


  • Support to configure imagePullSecrets for private registry(#241)

v0.6.1 / 2023-04-21


  • Donot copy all labels of custom resources to managed workloads to fix that managed workloads cannot be upgraded(#230)
  • Fix object storage config in chart(#231)

v0.6.0 / 2023-04-14


  • Optimize tenant data cleaning on ingester(#182)
  • Add tenant selector in store(#171)
  • Allow tenants to monopolize resources(#170)


  • Allows global configuration to update compactor.retention(#186)
  • Adjust ingester retention period(#185)
  • Upgrade dependencies(#188, #157, #208)
  • Update charts(#187, #162)
  • Support mutil-arch image build(#136)
  • Upgrade Thanos to v0.31.0(#208)
  • Update Ruler to query from QueryFrontend with a higher performance than Query(#211)


  • Fix tls secret volume mount in storage component(#183)
  • Fix mapstructure decode bugs and add config unit test(#137)
  • Fix override method bugs and add options unit test(#160)
  • Fix resources config parse and override error (#208)

0.6.0-rc.2 / 2023-04-03


  • Update the ruler to query from the QueryFrontend with a higher performance than the Query(#211)


  • Update to fix the build failed to run with go1.20(#211)

0.6.0-rc.1 / 2023-03-24


  • Upgrade Thanos to v0.31.0(#208)
  • Upgrade dependencies(#208)


  • Fix some bugs(#201)

0.6.0-rc.0 / 2023-03-08


  • Optimize tenant data cleaning on ingester(#182)
  • Add tenant selector in store(#171)
  • Allow tenants to monopolize resources(#170)


  • Allows global configuration to update compactor.retention(#186)
  • Adjust ingester retention period(#185)
  • Upgrade dependencies(#188, #157)
  • Update charts(#187, #162)
  • Support mutil-arch image build(#136)


  • Fix tls secret volume mount in storage component(#183)
  • Fix mapstructure decode bugs and add config unit test(#137)
  • Fix override method bugs and add options unit test(#160)

0.5.0-rc.0 / 2022-09-29

This is the first release of whizard.

What’s new

Whizard is a distributed cloud observability platform that provides unified observability (currently monitoring and alerting) for Multi-Cloud, On-Premise and Edge infrastructures and applications.

Kubernetes native deployment and management

The Whizard Controller Manager simplifies and automates the configuration and deployment of the whizard components by the following CRDs:

  • Compactor: Defines the Compactor component, which does the block compaction and life cycle management for the object storages.
  • Gateway: Defines the Gateway component, which provides an unified entrypoints for metrics read and write requests.
  • Ingester: Defines the Ingester component, which receives metrics data from routers, caches data in memory, flushs data to disk, and finally uploads metrics blocks to object storage.
  • Query: Defines the Query component, which fetches data from the ingesters and/or stores and then evaluates the query.
  • QueryFrontend: Defines the Query Frontend component, which improves the query performance by request spliting and result caching.
  • Router: Defines the Router component, which routes and replicates the metrics to the ingesters.
  • Ruler: Defines the Ruler component, which evaluates recording and alerting rules.
  • Service: Defines a Whizard Service, which connects different whizard components together to provide a complete monitoring service. It also contains shared configurations of different components.
  • Storage: Defines the Storage instance, which contains the object storage configuration, and a block manager component for the block inspection and GC.
  • Store: Defines the Store instance, which facilitates metrics reads from the object storage.
  • Tenant: Defines a tenant which is the basic unit of resource isolation and auto scaling.

Multi-tenancy and Auto scaling

  • Whizard components support multi-tenancy and are able to auto scale.
  • The store component supports to auto scale based on its actual load.
  • The ruler component also can also scale based on rule group sharding for a single tenant with too many rules.

Data management and GC

  • Whizard provides metrics data life cycle management for data on disk or in object storage. If a tenant is deleted, Whizard can automatically cleanup this tenant’s blocks in the object storage or on local disk.


  • Whizard also has an agent proxy component that implements the Prometheus HTTP v1 API (reads/writes), which can be used as a data collection agent and a query proxy.