
安装启动whistle,需要以下四个步骤: 安装Node安装whistle启动whistle配置代理

1. 安装Node



  1. Windows或Mac系统,访问https://nodejs.org/,安装LTS版本的Node,默认安装即可。
  2. Linux下推荐使用源码安装: 从Node官网下载最新版的Source Code(或者用wget命令下载),解压文件(tar -xzvf node-vx.y.z.tar.gz)后进入解压后的根目录(node-vx.y.z),依次执行./configure./make./make install


  1. $ node -v
  2. v4.4.0


2. 安装whistle

Node安装成功后,执行如下npm命令安装whistle (Mac或Linux的非root用户需要在命令行前面加sudo,如:sudo npm install -g whistle

  1. $ npm install -g whistle


  1. $ npm install cnpm -g --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
  2. $ cnpm install -g whistle
  3. 或者直接指定镜像安装:
  4. $ npm install whistle -g --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org

whistle安装完成后,执行命令 whistle helpw2 help,查看whistle的帮助信息

  1. $ w2 help
  2. Usage: whistle <command> [options]
  3. Commands:
  4. status Show the running status of whistle
  5. use/add [filepath] Set rules from a specified js file (.whistle.js by default)
  6. run Start a front service
  7. start Start a background service
  8. stop Stop current background service
  9. restart Restart current background service
  10. help Display help information
  11. Options:
  12. -h, --help output usage information
  13. -D, --baseDir [baseDir] set the configured storage root path
  14. -z, --certDir [directory] set custom certificate store directory
  15. -l, --localUIHost [hostname] set the domain for the web ui of whistle (local.whistlejs.com by default)
  16. -L, --pluginHost [hostname] set the domain for the web ui of plugin (as: "script=a.b.com&vase=x.y.com")
  17. -n, --username [username] set the username to access the web ui of whistle
  18. -w, --password [password] set the password to access the web ui of whistle
  19. -N, --guestName [username] set the the guest name to access the web ui of whistle (can only view the data)
  20. -W, --guestPassword [password] set the guest password to access the web ui of whistle (can only view the data)
  21. -s, --sockets [number] set the max number of cached long connection on each domain (60 by default)
  22. -S, --storage [newStorageDir] set the configured storage directory
  23. -C, --copy [storageDir] copy the configuration of the specified directory to a new directory
  24. -c, --dnsCache [time] set the cache time of DNS (30000ms by default)
  25. -H, --host [boundHost] set the bound host of whistle (INADDR_ANY by default)
  26. -p, --port [proxyPort] set the proxy port of whistle (8899 by default)
  27. -P, --uiport [uiport] set the listening port of whistle webui
  28. -m, --middlewares [script path or module name] set the express middlewares loaded at startup (as: xx,yy/zz.js)
  29. -M, --mode [mode] set the way of starting the whistle mode (as: pureProxy|debug|multiEnv)
  30. -t, --timeout [ms] set the request timeout (66000ms by default)
  31. -e, --extra [extraData] set the extra parameters for plugin
  32. -f, --secureFilter [secureFilter] set the path of secure filter
  33. -R, --reqCacheSize [reqCacheSize] set the cache size of request data (600 by default)
  34. -F, --frameCacheSize [frameCacheSize] set the cache size of webSocket and socket's frames (512 by default)
  35. -A, --addon [pluginPaths] add custom plugin paths
  36. --httpPort [httpPort] set the http server port of whistle
  37. --httpsPort [httpsPort] set the https server port of whistle
  38. --no-global-plugins do not load any globally installed plugins
  39. --no-prev-options do not reuse the previous options when restarting
  40. -V, --version output the version number


3. 启动whistle



  1. $ w2 start

Note: 如果要防止其他人访问配置页面,可以在启动时加上登录用户名和密码 -n yourusername -w yourpassword


  1. $ w2 restart


  1. $ w2 stop


  1. $ w2 run


4. 配置代理

  1. 代理服务器: (如果部署在远程服务器或虚拟机上,改成对应服务器或虚拟机的ip即可)
  2. 默认端口:8899 (如果端口被占用,可以在启动是时通过 -p 来指定新的端口,更多信息可以通过执行命令行 w2 help (v0.7.0及以上版本也可以使用w2 help) 查看)

勾选上 对所有协议均使用相同的代理服务器

  1. 全局代理:直接配置系统代理:

    • Windows
    • Mac: System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies > HTTP or HTTPS
      安装启动 - 图1 安装启动 - 图2
    • Linux: Settings > Network > VPN > Network Proxy > Manual

      安装启动 - 图3 安装启动 - 图4
  2. 浏览器代理:安装浏览器代理插件 (推荐)

    • 安装Chrome代理插件:推荐安装SwitchyOmega

      安装启动 - 图5
    • Firefox: 地址栏输入访问 about:preferences,找到 Network Proxy,选择 手动代理配置(Manual proxy configuration),输入代理服务器地址、端口,保存

      安装启动 - 图6安装启动 - 图7
  3. 移动端需要在设置中配置当前Wi-Fi的代理,以 iOS 为例:

    安装启动 - 图8

PS: 如果配置完代理,手机无法访问,可能是whistle所在的电脑防火墙限制了远程访问whistle的端口,关闭防火墙或者设置白名单:http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/870c6fc317cae7b03ee4be48.html


