Wails v0.19.0

This version brings better Windows support as well as a number of bugfixes.

A huge thank you to everyone that was involved in this release!


Migrate command

There is a new wails migrate command that will attempt to auto-migrate your project to be API compatible with the latest version. This is an experimental feature, but has worked well for a number of projects.

Binary Name

The generated binary name is now adjusted on build to be more consistent with the host platform. Projects created on linux but compiled on windows will output <name>.exe instead of <name>.

Bug Fixes

Spaces in gcc path

Users who use a gcc distribution that lives on a path with spaces, used to get errors during the build process. This is now fixed.

Allow IE11 for serve

IE11 was not previously supported for the wails serve command.

NPM/Node Versions

The wails issue command would report the wrong Node/NPM version.

We will be spending the next month improving documentation and bug fixing. Please let us know what bugs you find and we will look at them with the highest priority!

See you at v1.0.0!