Built-in Components


  • Usage:
  1. <ClientOnly>
  2. <NonSsrFriendlyComponent />
  3. </ClientOnly>
  • Details:

    This component and its children will only be rendered in client-side. That means, it will not be rendered to HTML during build (SSR).

    If a component is trying to access Browser / DOM APIs directly in setup(), an error will occur during build because those APIs are unavailable in Node.js environment. In such case, you could do either:

    • Modify the component to only access Browser / DOM APIs in onBeforeMount() or onMounted() hook.
    • Wrap the component with <ClientOnly>.


  • Props:

    • pagePath
      • Type: string
      • Required: false
  • Usage:
  1. <Content page-path="/" />
  2. <Content page-path="/foo.html" />
  • Details:

    This component will render the Markdown content of a page.

    If the pagePath prop is not provided, it will render the page of current route path.

    This component is mainly for developing themes. You won’t need it in most cases.


  • Usage:
  1. <OutboundLink />
  • Details:

    This component will render an indicator for links to external URLs.

    This component is mainly for developing themes. You won’t need it in most cases.