

Assistive Technologies



The World Health Organization estimates that 15% of the world’s population has some form of disability, 2-4% of them severely so. That is an estimated 1 billion people worldwide; making people with disabilities the largest minority group in the world.

There are a huge range of disabilities, which can be divided roughly into four categories:

  • VisualResources - 图20 - These users can benefit from the use of screen readers, screen magnification, controlling screen contrast, or braille display.

  • AuditoryResources - 图21 - These users can benefit from captioning, transcripts or sign language video.

  • MotorResources - 图22 - These users can benefit from a range of assistive technologies for motor impairmentsResources - 图23: voice recognition software, eye tracking, single-switch access, head wand, single-switch access, sip and puff switch, oversized trackball mouse, adaptive keyboard or other assistive technologies.

  • CognitiveResources - 图24 - These users can benefit from supplemental media, structural organization of content, clear and simple writing.

Check out the following links from WebAim to understand from users: