
vtctldclient LookupVindex

Perform commands related to creating, backfilling, and externalizing Lookup Vindexes using VReplication workflows.


  1. -h, --help help for LookupVindex
  2. --name string The name of the Lookup Vindex to create. This will also be the name of the VReplication workflow created to backfill the Lookup Vindex.
  3. --table-keyspace string The keyspace to create the lookup table in. This is also where the VReplication workflow is created to backfill the Lookup Vindex.

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --action_timeout duration timeout to use for the command (default 1h0m0s)
  2. --compact use compact format for otherwise verbose outputs
  3. --server string server to use for the connection (required)