Online DDL Scheduler

How migrations are scheduled, executed and cancelled


The DDL scheduler is a control plane that runs on a PRIMARY vttablet, as part of the state manager. It is responsible for identifying new migration requests, to choose and execute the next migration, to review running migrations, cleaning up after completion, etc.

This document explain the general logic behind onlineddl.Executor and, in particular, the scheduling aspect.

OnlineDDL & VTTablet state manager

onlineddl.Executor runs on PRIMARY tablets. It Opens when a tablet turns primary, and Closes when the tablet changes its type away from PRIMARY. It only operates when in the open state.

General operations

The scheduler:

  • Identifies queued migrations
  • Picks next migration to run
  • Executes a migration
  • Follows up on migration progress
  • Identifies completion or failure
  • Cleans up artifacts
  • Identifies stale (rogue) migrations that need to be marked as failed
  • Identifies migrations started by another tablet
  • Possibly auto-retries migrations

The executor also receives requests from the tablet’s query engine/executor to:

  • Submit a new migration
  • Cancel a migration
  • Retry a migration

It also responds on the following API endpoint:

  • /schema-migration/report-status: called by gh-ost and pt-online-schema-change to report liveness, completion or failure.

The scheduler

Breaking down the scheduler logic

Migration states & transitions

A migration can be in any one of these states:

  • queued: a migration is submitted
  • ready: a migration is picked from the queue to run
  • running: a migration was started. It is periodically tested to be making progress.
  • complete: a migration completed successfully
  • failed: a migration started running and failed due to whatever reason
  • cancelled: a pending migration was cancelled

A migration is said to be pending if we expect it to run and complete. Pending migrations are those in queued, ready and running states.

Some possible state transitions are:

  • queued -> ready -> running -> complete: the ideal flow where everything just works
  • queued -> ready -> running -> failed: a migration breaks
  • queued -> cancelled: a migration is cancelled by the user before taken out of queue
  • queued -> ready -> cancelled: a migration is cancelled by the user before running
  • queued -> ready -> running -> failed: a running migration is cancelled by the user and forcefully terminated, causing it to enter the failed state
  • queued -> ready -> running -> failed -> running: a failed migration was retried
  • queued -> ... cancelled -> queued -> ready -> running: a cancelled migration was retried (irrespective of whether it was running at time of cancellation)
  • queued -> ready -> cancelled -> queued -> ready -> running -> failed -> running -> failed -> running -> completed: a combined flow that shows we can retry multiple times

General logic

The scheduler works by periodic sampling of known migration states. Normally there’s a once per minute tick that kicks in a series of checks. You may imagine a state machine that advances once per minute. However, some steps:

  • Submission of a new migration
  • Migration execution start
  • Migration execution completion
  • Open() state
  • Test suite scenario

will kick a burst of additional ticks. This is done to speed up the progress of the state machine. For example, if a new migration is submitted, there’s a good chance it will be clear to execute, so an increase in ticks will start the migration within a few seconds rather than one minute later.

The scheduler only runs a single migration at a time. This could be a simple CREATE TABLE or a hours-long running ALTER TABLE. Noteworthy:

  • Two parallel ALTER TABLE are likely to interfere with each other, competing for same resources, causing total runtime to be longer than sequential run. This is the reasoning for only running a single migration at a time.
  • CREATE TABLE does not interfere in the same fashion. Generally speaking, there shouldn’t be a problem running a CREATE TABLE while a hours-long ALTER TABLE is in mid-run. The current logic still only allows one migration at a time. In the future we may change that.
  • DROP TABLE is implemented by RENAME TABLE, and is therefore also a lightweight operation similarly to CREATE TABLE. Again, current logic still only allows one migration at a time. In the future we may change that.

Who runs the migration

Some migrations are executed by the scheduler itself, some by a sub-process, and some implicitly by vreplication, as follows:

  • CREATE TABLE migrations are executed by the scheduler.
  • DROP TABLE migrations are executed by the scheduler.
  • ALTER TABLE migrations depend on ddl_strategy:
    • pt-osc: the executor runs pt-online-schema-change via os.Exec. It runs the entire flow within a single function. Thus, pt-online-schema-change completes within the same lifetime of the scheduler (and the tablet space in which is operates). To clarify, if the tablet goes down, then the migration is deemed lost.
    • gh-ost: the executor runs pt-online-schema-change via os.Exec. It runs the entire flow within a single function. Thus, pt-online-schema-change completes within the same lifetime of the scheduler (and the tablet space in which is operates). To clarify, if the tablet goes down, then the migration is deemed lost.
    • online: the scheduler configures, creates and starts a VReplication stream. From that point on, the tablet manager’s VReplication logic takes ownership of the execution. The scheduler periodically checks progress. The scheduler identifies an end-of-migration scenario and finalizes the cut-over and termination of the VReplication stream. It is possible for a VReplication migration to span multiple tablets, detailed below. In this case, if the tablet goes down, then the migration will not be lost. It will be continued on another tablet, as described below.

Stale migrations

The scheduler maintains a liveness timestamp for running migrations:

  • gh-ost migrations report liveness via /schema-migration/report-status
  • pt-osc does not report liveness. The scheduler actively checks for liveness by looking up the pt-online-schema-change process.
  • online migrations are based on VReplication, which reports last timestamp/transaction timestamp. The scheduler infers migration liveness based on these and on the stream status.

One way or another, we expect at most (roughly) a 1 minute interval between a running migration’s liveness reports. When a migration is expected to be running, and does not have a liveness report for 10 minutes, then it is considered stale.

A stale migration can happen for various reasons. Perhaps a pt-osc process went zombie. Or a gh-ost process was locked.

When the scheduler finds a stale migration, it:

  • Considers it to be broken and removes it from internal bookkeeping of running migrations.
  • Takes steps to forcefully terminate it, just in case it still happens to run:
    • For a gh-ost migration, it touches the panic flag file.
    • For pt-osc, it kills the process, if any
    • For online, it stops and deletes the stream

Failed tablet migrations

A specially handled scenario is where a migration runs, and the owning (primary) tablet fails.

For gh-ost and pt-osc migrations, it’s impossible to resume the migration from the exact point of failure. The scheduler will attempt a full retry of the migration. This means throwing away the previous migration’s artifacts (ghost tables) and starting anew.

To avoid a cascading failure scenario, a migration is only auto-retried once. If a 2nd tablet failure takes place, it’s up to the user to retry the failed migration.

Cross tablet VReplication migrations

VReplication is more capable than gh-ost and pt-osc, since it tracks its state transactionally in the same database server as the migration/ghost table. This means a stream can automatically recover after e.g. a failover. The new primary has all the information in _vt.vreplication, _vt.copy_state to keep on running the stream.

The scheduler supports that. It is able to identify a stream which started with a previous tablet, and is able to take ownership of such a stream. Because VReplication will recover/resume a stream independently of the scheduler, the scheduler will then implicitly find that the stream is running and be able to assert its liveness.

The result is that if a tablet fails mid-online migration, the new primary tablet will auto-resume migration from the point of interruption. This happens whether it’s the same table that recovers as primary or whether its a new tablet that is promoted as primary. A migration can survive multiple tablet failures. It is only limited by VReplication’s capabilities.