Binding Template Components

The @Id annotation allows you to interact with client-side templates on the server side. You can use the @Id annotation to get a Component or Element reference for an element defined in a JavaScript template.

In this section, we demonstrate how to use the @Id annotation to reference a JavaScript LitElement template. Same logic applies to Polymer template.

Example: MainPage TypeScript LitElement template file.


  1. class MainPage extends LitElement {
  2. render() {
  3. return html`
  4. <div id="content"></div>
  5. <button id="helloButton">Click me!</button>`;
  6. }
  7. }
  8. customElements.define('main-page', MainPage);
  • The html returns a placeholder div element with a "content" identifier and button element with a helloButton identifier.

  • The div element is mapped to a Div component in the Java code (see below), allowing you to add a Component as a child to it.

  • The button element is mapped to a NativeButton component in the Java code (see below), allowing you to react on its click events.

Example: Implementing a method in the MainPage class to add a Component to the content of a TypeScript LitElement template element.


  1. @Tag("main-page")
  2. @JsModule("./com/example/main-page.ts")
  3. public class MainPage extends LitTemplate {
  4. @Id("content")
  5. private Div content;
  6. @Id("helloButton")
  7. private NativeButton helloButton;
  8. public MainPage() {
  9. helloButton.addClickListener(event -> {
  10. System.out.println("Clicked!");
  11. });
  12. }
  13. public void setContent(Component content) {
  14. this.content.removeAll();
  15. this.content.add(content);
  16. }
  17. }
  • The @Id annotation maps a component to an element in the TypeScript template on the client with the HTML identifiers "content" and "helloButton".

  • Vaadin creates a component instance of the declared type automatically and wires it to the template DOM element with the content and helloButton fields in the Java class.

The declared type used in an @Id injection declaration must have a default constructor to be able to instantiate it.
The Component or Element must have the same @Tag as the actual element that is referenced. This means that you cannot bind a <span id=”content”></span> to a @Id(“content”) Div content.
The @Id annotation can also be used to inject an Element instance instead of a Component instance, if you want to use the lower-level Element API or there is no suitable HTML component available.

Example: Calling the setContent method to set any Component as content for the MainPage class.


  1. MainPage page = new MainPage();
  2. page.setContent(new Label("Hello!"));