Running an Application

Once you have imported an application in your IDE, you are ready to run it. Applications created with Vaadin Start are Spring Boot applications, which you can run like ordinary Java applications. Non-Spring Boot applications can be run with Maven.

With a Spring Boot application like the ones created with Vaadin Start, you simply need to run the Application class in the project. That launches an embedded server to run the application.

See how to do that in your IDE: Eclipse, IntelliJ, or NetBeans.

Many IDEs also support debugging Java applications. Debugging goes like normally running an application, but you need to do it in debug mode in the IDE.

Running With Maven

During development, you can run a Vaadin application in an embedded web server by executing one of the Maven goals:

Technology StackEmbedded ServerGoal to Run

Spring Boot


CDI / Java EE

Apache TomEE


Plain Java



Redeploying During Development

When you save a source file, the IDE automatically compiles it. The web server tracks the compiled files and automatically redeploys the application when it notices a change. You can then refresh the page to use the updated version.

You can also enable live reload to have the page refreshed automatically, as described in Live Reload.


Many IDEs also support debugging Java applications. Debugging goes like normally running an application, but you need to do it in debug mode in the IDE.

Debugging Spring Boot applications
You can debug Spring Boot applications by running them as Java applications, but not with Maven with spring-boot:run. The Maven goal starts the application in a separate process, so you can not debug it.