这是使用 uWSGI内部路由, uWSGI缓存框架 和 uWSGI转换 的各种缓存技术的烹饪指南。
菜谱是在uWSGI 1.9.7之上测试的。较老的版本可能不能用。
这是一个简单的perl/PSGI Dancer应用,我们部署在一个http-socket上,使用4个进程。
- use Dancer;
- get '/' => sub {
- "Hello World!"
- };
- dance;
这是uWSGI配置。注意log-micros指令。uWSGI内存中缓存的目标是在不到1毫秒的时间内生成一个响应 (是哒,这是真的),所以我们想让响应时间以微秒记录 (一毫秒的千分之一)。
- [uwsgi]
- ; load the PSGI plugin as the default one
- plugins = 0:psgi
- ; load the Dancer app
- psgi = myapp.pl
- ; enable the master process
- master = true
- ; spawn 4 processes
- processes = 4
- ; bind an http socket to port 9090
- http-socket = :9090
- ; log response time with microseconds resolution
- log-micros = true
- curl -D /dev/stdout http://localhost:9090/
- [pid: 26586|app: 0|req: 1/1] () {24 vars in 327 bytes} [Wed Apr 17 09:06:58 2013] GET / => generated 12 bytes in 3497 micros (HTTP/1.1 200) 4 headers in 126 bytes (0 switches on core 0)
- [pid: 26586|app: 0|req: 2/2] () {24 vars in 327 bytes} [Wed Apr 17 09:07:14 2013] GET / => generated 12 bytes in 1134 micros (HTTP/1.1 200) 4 headers in 126 bytes (0 switches on core 0)
- [pid: 26586|app: 0|req: 3/3] () {24 vars in 327 bytes} [Wed Apr 17 09:07:16 2013] GET / => generated 12 bytes in 1249 micros (HTTP/1.1 200) 4 headers in 126 bytes (0 switches on core 0)
- [pid: 26586|app: 0|req: 4/4] () {24 vars in 327 bytes} [Wed Apr 17 09:07:17 2013] GET / => generated 12 bytes in 953 micros (HTTP/1.1 200) 4 headers in 126 bytes (0 switches on core 0)
- [pid: 26586|app: 0|req: 5/5] () {24 vars in 327 bytes} [Wed Apr 17 09:07:18 2013] GET / => generated 12 bytes in 1016 micros (HTTP/1.1 200) 4 headers in 126 bytes (0 switches on core 0)
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Server: Perl Dancer 1.3112
- Content-Length: 12
- Content-Type: text/html
- X-Powered-By: Perl Dancer 1.3112
- Hello World!
一个进程上的第一个请求花费大概3毫秒 (这是正常的,因为对于第一个请求,会执行大量的代码),但接下来的请求则花费大概1毫秒。
我们首先创建一个uWSGI缓存,命名为’mycache’,它带有100个槽,每个槽64 KiB (新选项位于配置的尾部),而对于每个对’/’的请求,我们在其中搜索一个名为’myhome’的特定的项。
这次,我们也加载 router_cache
插件 (虽然在单片服务器上,是默认内建它的)。
- [uwsgi]
- ; load the PSGI plugin as the default one
- plugins = 0:psgi,router_cache
- ; load the Dancer app
- psgi = myapp.pl
- ; enable the master process
- master = true
- ; spawn 4 processes
- processes = 4
- ; bind an http socket to port 9090
- http-socket = :9090
- ; log response time with microseconds resolution
- log-micros = true
- ; create a cache with 100 items (default size per-item is 64k)
- cache2 = name=mycache,items=100
- ; at each request for / check for a 'myhome' item in the 'mycache' cache
- ; 'route' apply a regexp to the PATH_INFO request var
- route = ^/$ cache:key=myhome,name=mycache
因为你并没有指示uWSGI去将插件响应存储到缓存中。你需要使用 cachestore
- [uwsgi]
- ; load the PSGI plugin as the default one
- plugins = 0:psgi,router_cache
- ; load the Dancer app
- psgi = myapp.pl
- ; enable the master process
- master = true
- ; spawn 4 processes
- processes = 4
- ; bind an http socket to port 9090
- http-socket = :9090
- ; log response time with microseconds resolution
- log-micros = true
- ; create a cache with 100 items (default size per-item is 64k)
- cache2 = name=mycache,items=100
- ; at each request for / check for a 'myhome' item in the 'mycache' cache
- ; 'route' apply a regexp to the PATH_INFO request var
- route = ^/$ cache:key=myhome,name=mycache
- ; store each successful request (200 http status code) for '/' in the 'myhome' item
- route = ^/$ cachestore:key=myhome,name=mycache
日志行报告-1作为app id:
- [pid: 26703|app: -1|req: -1/2] () {24 vars in 327 bytes} [Wed Apr 17 09:24:52 2013] GET / => generated 12 bytes in 122 micros (HTTP/1.1 200) 2 headers in 64 bytes (0 switches on core 0)
这是因为,当从缓存提供响应的时候,并未碰到你的应用/插件 (在这种情况下,不涉及任何perl调用)。
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Content-Type: text/html
- Content-Length: 12
- Hello World!
这是因为只有响应体会被缓存。默认情况下,生成的响应会被设置为text/html,但是可以改动它,或者让MIME类型引擎为你做这个工作 (见下文)。
- [uwsgi]
- ; load the PSGI plugin as the default one
- plugins = 0:psgi,router_cache
- ; load the Dancer app
- psgi = myapp.pl
- ; enable the master process
- master = true
- ; spawn 4 processes
- processes = 4
- ; bind an http socket to port 9090
- http-socket = :9090
- ; log response time with microseconds resolution
- log-micros = true
- ; create a cache with 100 items (default size per-item is 64k)
- cache2 = name=mycache,items=100
- ; load the mime types engine
- mime-file = /etc/mime.types
- ; at each request starting with /img check it in the cache (use mime types engine for the content type)
- route = ^/img/(.+) cache:key=/img/$1,name=mycache,mime=1
- ; at each request ending with .css check it in the cache
- route = \.css$ cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=mycache,content_type=text/css
- ; fallback to text/html all of the others request
- route = .* cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=mycache
- ; store each successful request (200 http status code) in the 'mycache' cache using the REQUEST_URI as key
- route = .* cachestore:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=mycache
- [uwsgi]
- ; load the PSGI plugin as the default one
- plugins = 0:psgi,router_cache
- ; load the Dancer app
- psgi = myapp.pl
- ; enable the master process
- master = true
- ; spawn 4 processes
- processes = 4
- ; bind an http socket to port 9090
- http-socket = :9090
- ; log response time with microseconds resolution
- log-micros = true
- ; create a cache with 100 items (default size per-item is 64k)
- cache2 = name=mycache,items=100
- ; create a cache for images with dynamic size (images can be big, so do not waste memory)
- cache2 = name=images,items=20,bitmap=1,blocks=100
- ; a cache for css (20k per-item is more than enough)
- cache2 = name=stylesheets,items=30,blocksize=20000
- ; load the mime types engine
- mime-file = /etc/mime.types
- ; at each request starting with /img check it in the 'images' cache (use mime types engine for the content type)
- route = ^/img/(.+) cache:key=/img/$1,name=images,mime=1
- ; at each request ending with .css check it in the 'stylesheets' cache
- route = \.css$ cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=stylesheets,content_type=text/css
- ; fallback to text/html all of the others request
- route = .* cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=mycache
- ; store each successful request (200 http status code) in the 'mycache' cache using the REQUEST_URI as key
- route = .* cachestore:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=mycache
- ; store images and stylesheets in the corresponding caches
- route = ^/img/ cachestore:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=images
- route = ^/css/ cachestore:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=stylesheets
更激进点,Expires HTTP头部
你可以为每个缓存项设置过期时间。如果一个项拥有一个过期时间,那么它将会被转换成HTTP Expires头部。这意味着,一旦你发送了一个缓存项给浏览器,它将不会再请求这个项,直到过期!
- [uwsgi]
- ; load the PSGI plugin as the default one
- plugins = 0:psgi,router_cache
- ; load the Dancer app
- psgi = myapp.pl
- ; enable the master process
- master = true
- ; spawn 4 processes
- processes = 4
- ; bind an http socket to port 9090
- http-socket = :9090
- ; log response time with microseconds resolution
- log-micros = true
- ; create a cache with 100 items (default size per-item is 64k)
- cache2 = name=mycache,items=100
- ; create a cache for images with dynamic size (images can be big, so do not waste memory)
- cache2 = name=images,items=20,bitmap=1,blocks=100
- ; a cache for css (20k per-item is more than enough)
- cache2 = name=stylesheets,items=30,blocksize=20000
- ; load the mime types engine
- mime-file = /etc/mime.types
- ; at each request starting with /img check it in the 'images' cache (use mime types engine for the content type)
- route = ^/img/(.+) cache:key=/img/$1,name=images,mime=1
- ; at each request ending with .css check it in the 'stylesheets' cache
- route = \.css$ cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=stylesheets,content_type=text/css
- ; fallback to text/html all of the others request
- route = .* cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=mycache
- ; store each successful request (200 http status code) in the 'mycache' cache using the REQUEST_URI as key
- route = .* cachestore:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=mycache,expires=60
- ; store images and stylesheets in the corresponding caches
- route = ^/img/ cachestore:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=images,expires=3600
- route = ^/css/ cachestore:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=stylesheets,expires=3600
有一个使用那个信息的基于ncurses的工具 (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/uwsgicachetop)。
- [uwsgi]
- ; load the PSGI plugin as the default one
- plugins = 0:psgi,router_cache
- ; load the Dancer app
- psgi = myapp.pl
- ; enable the master process
- master = true
- ; spawn 4 processes
- processes = 4
- ; bind an http socket to port 9090
- http-socket = :9090
- ; log response time with microseconds resolution
- log-micros = true
- ; create a cache with 100 items (default size per-item is 64k)
- cache2 = name=mycache,items=100
- ; if the client support GZIP give it the gzip body
- route-if = contains:${HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING};gzip cache:key=gzipped_myhome,name=mycache,content_encoding=gzip
- ; else give it the clear version
- route = ^/$ cache:key=myhome,name=mycache
- ; store each successful request (200 http status code) for '/' in the 'myhome' item in gzip too
- route = ^/$ cachestore:key=myhome,gzip=gzipped_myhome,name=mycache
- [uwsgi]
- plugins = 0:notfound,router_cache
- http-socket = :9090
- cache2 = name=files,bitmap=1,items=1000,blocksize=10000,blocks=2000
- load-file-in-cache = files /usr/share/doc/socat/index.html
- route-run = cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=files
- [uwsgi]
- plugins = router_cache
- http-socket = :9090
- cache2 = name=files,bitmap=1,items=1000,blocksize=10000,blocks=2000
- for-glob = /usr/share/doc/socat/*.html
- load-file-in-cache = files %(_)
- endfor =
- route-run = cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=files
- -- unavailable modifier requested: 0 --
- [uwsgi]
- plugins = 0:notfound,router_cache
- http-socket = :9090
- cache2 = name=files,bitmap=1,items=1000,blocksize=10000,blocks=2000
- for-glob = /usr/share/doc/socat/*.html
- load-file-in-cache = files %(_)
- endfor =
- route-run = cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=files
- [uwsgi]
- plugins = 0:notfound,router_cache
- http-socket = :9090
- cache2 = name=files,bitmap=1,items=1000,blocksize=10000,blocks=2000
- cache2 = name=compressedfiles,bitmap=1,items=1000,blocksize=10000,blocks=2000
- for-glob = /usr/share/doc/socat/*.html
- load-file-in-cache = files %(_)
- load-file-in-cache-gzip = compressedfiles %(_)
- endfor =
- ; take the item from the compressed cache
- route-if = contains:${HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING};gzip cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=compressedfiles,content_encoding=gzip
- ; fallback to the uncompressed one
- route-run = cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=files
如果你通过http basic鉴权来鉴权用户,那么你可以使用${REMOTE_USER}请求变量来为每个区分缓存:
- [uwsgi]
- ; load the PSGI plugin as the default one
- plugins = 0:psgi,router_cache
- ; load the Dancer app
- psgi = myapp.pl
- ; enable the master process
- master = true
- ; spawn 4 processes
- processes = 4
- ; bind an http socket to port 9090
- http-socket = :9090
- ; log response time with microseconds resolution
- log-micros = true
- ; create a cache with 100 items (default size per-item is 64k)
- cache2 = name=mycache,items=100
- ; check if the user is authenticated
- route-if-not = empty:${REMOTE_USER} goto:cacheme
- route-run = break:
- ; the following rules are executed only if REMOTE_USER is defined
- route-label = cacheme
- route = ^/$ cache:key=myhome_for_${REMOTE_USER},name=mycache
- ; store each successful request (200 http status code) for '/'
- route = ^/$ cachestore:key=myhome_for_${REMOTE_USER},name=mycache
基于Cookie的鉴权一般更复杂,但是绝大多数的时间,session id会作为cookie传递。
- [uwsgi]
- ; load the PHP plugin as the default one
- plugins = 0:php,router_cache
- ; enable the master process
- master = true
- ; spawn 4 processes
- processes = 4
- ; bind an http socket to port 9090
- http-socket = :9090
- ; log response time with microseconds resolution
- log-micros = true
- ; create a cache with 100 items (default size per-item is 64k)
- cache2 = name=mycache,items=100
- ; check if the user is authenticated
- route-if-not = empty:${cookie[PHPSESSID]} goto:cacheme
- route-run = break:
- ; the following rules are executed only if the PHPSESSID cookie is defined
- route-label = cacheme
- route = ^/$ cache:key=myhome_for_${cookie[PHPSESSID]},name=mycache
- ; store each successful request (200 http status code) for '/'
- route = ^/$ cachestore:key=myhome_for_${cookie[PHPSESSID]},name=mycache
显然,恶意用户可以构建一个假的session id,然后也许会装满你的缓存。你应该总是检查这个session id。没有单个(好)方法,但是对于基于文件的php会话的一个好例子是下面这个:
- [uwsgi]
- ; load the PHP plugin as the default one
- plugins = 0:php,router_cache
- ; enable the master process
- master = true
- ; spawn 4 processes
- processes = 4
- ; bind an http socket to port 9090
- http-socket = :9090
- ; log response time with microseconds resolution
- log-micros = true
- ; create a cache with 100 items (default size per-item is 64k)
- cache2 = name=mycache,items=100
- ; check if the user is authenticated
- route-if-not = empty:${cookie[PHPSESSID]} goto:cacheme
- route-run = break:
- ; the following rules are executed only if the PHPSESSID cookie is defined
- route-label = cacheme
- ; stop if the session file does not exist
- route-if-not = isfile:/var/lib/php5/sessions/sess_${cookie[PHPSESSID]} break:
- route = ^/$ cache:key=myhome_for_${cookie[PHPSESSID]},name=mycache
- ; store each successful request (200 http status code) for '/'
- route = ^/$ cachestore:key=myhome_for_${cookie[PHPSESSID]},name=mycache
- [uwsgi]
- ; load the PHP plugin as the default one
- plugins = 0:psgi,transformation_tofile,router_static
- ; load the Dancer app
- psgi = myapp.pl
- ; enable the master process
- master = true
- ; spawn 4 processes
- processes = 4
- ; bind an http socket to port 9090
- http-socket = :9090
- ; log response time with microseconds resolution
- log-micros = true
- ; check if a file exists
- route-if = isfile:/var/www/cache/${hex[PATH_INFO]}.html static:/var/www/cache/${hex[PATH_INFO]}.html
- ; otherwise store the response in it
- route-run = tofile:/var/www/cache/${hex[PATH_INFO]}.html