
Objects are the center of programming in JavaScript, and ECMAScript 6 made some helpful changes to objects that both make them easier to deal with and more powerful.

ECMAScript 6 makes several changes to object literals. Shorthand property definitions make assigning properties with the same names as in-scope variables easier. Computed property names allow you to specify non-literal values as property names, which you’ve already been able to do in other areas of the language. Shorthand methods let you type a lot fewer characters in order to define methods on object literals, by completely omitting the colon and function keyword. ECMAScript 6 loosens the strict mode check for duplicate object literal property names as well, meaning you can have two properties with the same name in a single object literal without throwing an error.

The Object.assign() method makes it easier to change multiple properties on a single object at once. This can be very useful if you use the mixin pattern. The method performs strict equality on any value, effectively becoming a safer version of === when dealing with special JavaScript values.

Enumeration order for own properties is now clearly defined in ECMAScript 6. When enumerating properties, numeric keys always come first in ascending order followed by string keys in insertion order and symbol keys in insertion order.

It’s now possible to modify an object’s prototype after it’s already created, thanks to ECMAScript 6’s Object.setPrototypeOf() method.

Finally, you can use the super keyword to call methods on an object’s prototype. The this binding inside a method invoked using super is set up to automatically work with the current value of this.