Using in Class Constructors

In Chapter 3, you learned about and how its value changes depending on how a function is called. You can also use in class constructors to determine how the class is being invoked. In the simple case, is equal to the constructor function for the class, as in this example:

  1. class Rectangle {
  2. constructor(length, width) {
  3. console.log( === Rectangle);
  4. this.length = length;
  5. this.width = width;
  6. }
  7. }
  8. // is Rectangle
  9. var obj = new Rectangle(3, 4); // outputs true

This code shows that is equivalent to Rectangle when new Rectangle(3, 4) is called. Class constructors can’t be called without new, so the property is always defined inside of class constructors. But the value may not always be the same. Consider this code:

  1. class Rectangle {
  2. constructor(length, width) {
  3. console.log( === Rectangle);
  4. this.length = length;
  5. this.width = width;
  6. }
  7. }
  8. class Square extends Rectangle {
  9. constructor(length) {
  10. super(length, length)
  11. }
  12. }
  13. // is Square
  14. var obj = new Square(3); // outputs false

Square is calling the Rectangle constructor, so is equal to Square when the Rectangle constructor is called. This is important because it gives each constructor the ability to alter its behavior based on how it’s being called. For instance, you can create an abstract base class (one that can’t be instantiated directly) by using as follows:

  1. // abstract base class
  2. class Shape {
  3. constructor() {
  4. if ( === Shape) {
  5. throw new Error("This class cannot be instantiated directly.")
  6. }
  7. }
  8. }
  9. class Rectangle extends Shape {
  10. constructor(length, width) {
  11. super();
  12. this.length = length;
  13. this.width = width;
  14. }
  15. }
  16. var x = new Shape(); // throws error
  17. var y = new Rectangle(3, 4); // no error
  18. console.log(y instanceof Shape); // true

In this example, the Shape class constructor throws an error whenever is Shape, meaning that new Shape() always throws an error. However, you can still use Shape as a base class, which is what Rectangle does. The super() call executes the Shape constructor and is equal to Rectangle so the constructor continues without error.

I> Since classes can’t be called without new, the property is never undefined inside of a class constructor.