Support for defaultProps in JSX

TypeScript 2.9 and earlier didn’t leverage React defaultProps declarations inside JSX components.Users would often have to declare properties optional and use non-null assertions inside of render, or they’d use type-assertions to fix up the type of the component before exporting it.

TypeScript 3.0 adds supports a new type alias in the JSX namespace called LibraryManagedAttributes.This helper type defines a transformation on the component’s Props type, before using to check a JSX expression targeting it; thus allowing customization like: how conflicts between provided props and inferred props are handled, how inferences are mapped, how optionality is handled, and how inferences from differing places should be combined.

In short using this general type, we can model React’s specific behavior for things like defaultProps and, to some extent, propTypes.

  1. export interface Props {
  2. name: string;
  3. }
  4. export class Greet extends React.Component<Props> {
  5. render() {
  6. const { name } = this.props;
  7. return <div>Hello ${name.toUpperCase()}!</div>;
  8. }
  9. static defaultProps = { name: "world"};
  10. }
  11. // Type-checks! No type assertions needed!
  12. let el = <Greet />


Explicit types on defaultProps

The default-ed properties are inferred from the defaultProps property type. If an explicit type annotation is added, e.g. static defaultProps: Partial<Props>; the compiler will not be able to identify which properties have defaults (since the type of defaultProps include all properties of Props).

Use static defaultProps: Pick<Props, "name">; as an explicit type annotation instead, or do not add a type annotation as done in the example above.

For stateless function components (SFCs) use ES2015 default initializers for SFCs:

  1. function Greet({ name = "world" }: Props) {
  2. return <div>Hello ${name.toUpperCase()}!</div>;
  3. }
Changes to @types/React

Corresponding changes to add LibraryManagedAttributes definition to the JSX namespace in @types/React are still needed.Keep in mind that there are some limitations.