
To enable the Elastic:

  1. [tracing]
  2. [tracing.elastic]
  1. tracing:
  2. elastic: {}
  1. --tracing.elastic=true


Optional, Default="http://localhost:8200"

APM ServerURL is the URL of the Elastic APM server.

  1. [tracing]
  2. [tracing.elastic]
  3. serverURL = "http://apm:8200"
  1. tracing:
  2. elastic:
  3. serverURL: "http://apm:8200"
  1. --tracing.elastic.serverurl="http://apm:8200"


Optional, Default=""

APM Secret Token is the token used to connect to Elastic APM Server.

  1. [tracing]
  2. [tracing.elastic]
  3. secretToken = "mytoken"
  1. tracing:
  2. elastic:
  3. secretToken: "mytoken"
  1. --tracing.elastic.secrettoken="mytoken"


Optional, Default=""

APM Service Environment is the name of the environment Traefik is deployed in, e.g. production or staging.

  1. [tracing]
  2. [tracing.elastic]
  3. serviceEnvironment = "production"
  1. tracing:
  2. elastic:
  3. serviceEnvironment: "production"
  1. --tracing.elastic.serviceenvironment="production"


Additional configuration of Elastic APM Go agent can be done using environment variables. See APM Go agent reference.