- Packages supported by TinyGo
- archive/tar
- archive/zip
- crypto/dsa
- crypto/ecdsa
- crypto/ed25519
- crypto/elliptic
- crypto/rand
- crypto/rsa
- crypto/tls
- crypto/x509
- crypto/x509/pkix
- database/sql
- debug/elf
- debug/macho
- debug/pe
- debug/plan9obj
- encoding/asn1
- encoding/gob
- encoding/json
- encoding/xml
- expvar
- flag
- go/build
- go/constant
- go/doc
- go/importer
- go/types
- html
- html/template
- image/gif
- log/syslog
- math/big
- mime
- mime/multipart
- net
- net/http
- net/http/cgi
- net/http/cookiejar
- net/http/fcgi
- net/http/httptest
- net/http/httptrace
- net/http/httputil
- net/http/pprof
- net/mail
- net/rpc
- net/rpc/jsonrpc
- net/smtp
- net/textproto
- os/exec
- os/signal
- os/user
- testing
- testing/quick
- text/template
- text/template/parse
- vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte
- vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts
- vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy
- vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack
- vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest
Packages supported by TinyGo
The following table shows all Go standard library packages and whether they can be imported by TinyGo. If they can’t, you can click the ‘no’ link to jump to the explanation why the package cannot be compiled.
Note that the fact they can be imported, does not mean that all functions and types in the program can be used. For example, sometimes using some functions or types of the package will still trigger compiler errors.
Package | Importable |
archive/tar | ✗ no |
archive/zip | ✗ no |
bufio | ✔ yes |
bytes | ✔ yes |
compress/bzip2 | ✔ yes |
compress/flate | ✔ yes |
compress/gzip | ✔ yes |
compress/lzw | ✔ yes |
compress/zlib | ✔ yes |
container/heap | ✔ yes |
container/list | ✔ yes |
container/ring | ✔ yes |
context | ✔ yes |
crypto | ✔ yes |
crypto/aes | ✔ yes |
crypto/cipher | ✔ yes |
crypto/des | ✔ yes |
crypto/dsa | ✗ no |
crypto/ecdsa | ✗ no |
crypto/ed25519 | ✗ no |
crypto/elliptic | ✗ no |
crypto/hmac | ✔ yes |
crypto/md5 | ✔ yes |
crypto/rand | ✗ no |
crypto/rc4 | ✔ yes |
crypto/rsa | ✗ no |
crypto/sha1 | ✔ yes |
crypto/sha256 | ✔ yes |
crypto/sha512 | ✔ yes |
crypto/subtle | ✔ yes |
crypto/tls | ✗ no |
crypto/x509 | ✗ no |
crypto/x509/pkix | ✗ no |
database/sql | ✗ no |
database/sql/driver | ✔ yes |
debug/dwarf | ✔ yes |
debug/elf | ✗ no |
debug/gosym | ✔ yes |
debug/macho | ✗ no |
debug/pe | ✗ no |
debug/plan9obj | ✗ no |
encoding | ✔ yes |
encoding/ascii85 | ✔ yes |
encoding/asn1 | ✗ no |
encoding/base32 | ✔ yes |
encoding/base64 | ✔ yes |
encoding/binary | ✔ yes |
encoding/csv | ✔ yes |
encoding/gob | ✗ no |
encoding/hex | ✔ yes |
encoding/json | ✗ no |
encoding/pem | ✔ yes |
encoding/xml | ✗ no |
errors | ✔ yes |
expvar | ✗ no |
flag | ✗ no |
fmt | ✔ yes |
go/ast | ✔ yes |
go/build | ✗ no |
go/constant | ✗ no |
go/doc | ✗ no |
go/format | ✔ yes |
go/importer | ✗ no |
go/parser | ✔ yes |
go/printer | ✔ yes |
go/scanner | ✔ yes |
go/token | ✔ yes |
go/types | ✗ no |
hash | ✔ yes |
hash/adler32 | ✔ yes |
hash/crc32 | ✔ yes |
hash/crc64 | ✔ yes |
hash/fnv | ✔ yes |
html | ✗ no |
html/template | ✗ no |
image | ✔ yes |
image/color | ✔ yes |
image/color/palette | ✔ yes |
image/draw | ✔ yes |
image/gif | ✗ no |
image/jpeg | ✔ yes |
image/png | ✔ yes |
index/suffixarray | ✔ yes |
io | ✔ yes |
io/ioutil | ✔ yes |
log | ✔ yes |
log/syslog | ✗ no |
math | ✔ yes |
math/big | ✗ no |
math/bits | ✔ yes |
math/cmplx | ✔ yes |
math/rand | ✔ yes |
mime | ✗ no |
mime/multipart | ✗ no |
mime/quotedprintable | ✔ yes |
net | ✗ no |
net/http | ✗ no |
net/http/cgi | ✗ no |
net/http/cookiejar | ✗ no |
net/http/fcgi | ✗ no |
net/http/httptest | ✗ no |
net/http/httptrace | ✗ no |
net/http/httputil | ✗ no |
net/http/pprof | ✗ no |
net/mail | ✗ no |
net/rpc | ✗ no |
net/rpc/jsonrpc | ✗ no |
net/smtp | ✗ no |
net/textproto | ✗ no |
net/url | ✔ yes |
os | ✔ yes |
os/exec | ✗ no |
os/signal | ✗ no |
os/user | ✗ no |
path | ✔ yes |
path/filepath | ✔ yes |
plugin | ✔ yes |
reflect | ✔ yes |
regexp | ✔ yes |
regexp/syntax | ✔ yes |
sort | ✔ yes |
strconv | ✔ yes |
strings | ✔ yes |
sync | ✔ yes |
sync/atomic | ✔ yes |
syscall | ✔ yes |
syscall/js | ✔ yes |
testing | ✗ no |
testing/iotest | ✔ yes |
testing/quick | ✗ no |
text/scanner | ✔ yes |
text/tabwriter | ✔ yes |
text/template | ✗ no |
text/template/parse | ✗ no |
time | ✔ yes |
unicode | ✔ yes |
unicode/utf16 | ✔ yes |
unicode/utf8 | ✔ yes |
unsafe | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte | ✗ no |
vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte/asn1 | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519 | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305 | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts | ✗ no |
vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy | ✗ no |
vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack | ✗ no |
vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest | ✗ no |
vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi | ✔ yes |
vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm | ✔ yes |
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # archive/tar
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/archive/tar/common.go:636:15: fi.ModTime undefined (type os.FileInfo has no field or method ModTime)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/archive/tar/common.go:637:21: fm.Perm undefined (type os.FileMode has no field or method Perm)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/archive/tar/common.go:640:10: fm.IsRegular undefined (type os.FileMode has no field or method IsRegular)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/archive/tar/common.go:554:32: os.FileMode(fi.h.Mode).Perm undefined (type os.FileMode has no field or method Perm)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/archive/tar/common.go:445:15: DeepEqual not declared by package reflect
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # archive/zip
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/archive/zip/register.go:106:21: Map not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/archive/zip/register.go:107:21: Map not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/archive/zip/struct.go:180:19: fi.ModTime undefined (type os.FileInfo has no field or method ModTime)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/archive/zip/reader.go:61:19: cannot use f (variable of type *os.File) as io.ReaderAt value in argument to r.init: missing method ReadAt
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
- crypto/ecdsa
- crypto/ed25519
- crypto/elliptic
- crypto/rand
- crypto/rsa
- crypto/x509
- encoding/asn1
- vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte
- math/big
- net
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
- crypto/dsa
- crypto/ecdsa
- crypto/ed25519
- crypto/elliptic
- crypto/rsa
- crypto/x509/pkix
- encoding/asn1
- vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte
- math/big
- net
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # database/sql
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:590:7: Locker not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:3159:7: Locker not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:3181:23: Locker not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:3177:29: Stack not declared by package runtime
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:3170:5: dr.Lock undefined (type driverResult has no field or method Lock)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:3171:11: dr.Unlock undefined (type driverResult has no field or method Unlock)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:3164:5: dr.Lock undefined (type driverResult has no field or method Lock)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:3165:11: dr.Unlock undefined (type driverResult has no field or method Unlock)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:2744:22: rs.closemu.RLocker undefined (type sync.RWMutex has no field or method RLocker)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:2598:5: ds.Lock undefined (type *driverStmt has no field or method Lock)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:2599:11: ds.Unlock undefined (type *driverStmt has no field or method Unlock)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:2427:5: ds.Lock undefined (type *driverStmt has no field or method Lock)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:2428:11: ds.Unlock undefined (type *driverStmt has no field or method Unlock)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/database/sql/sql.go:599:5: ds.Lock undefined (type *driverStmt has no field or method Lock)
- [...more lines following...]
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # debug/elf
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/debug/elf/reader.go:73:16: ErrInvalid not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/debug/elf/reader.go:81:16: ErrInvalid not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/debug/elf/file.go:206:21: cannot use f (variable of type *os.File) as io.ReaderAt value in argument to NewFile: missing method ReadAt
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # debug/macho
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/debug/macho/file.go:205:21: cannot use f (variable of type *os.File) as io.ReaderAt value in argument to NewFile: missing method ReadAt
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/debug/macho/fat.go:130:24: cannot use f (variable of type *os.File) as io.ReaderAt value in argument to NewFatFile: missing method ReadAt
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # debug/pe
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/debug/pe/file.go:40:21: cannot use f (variable of type *os.File) as io.ReaderAt value in argument to NewFile: missing method ReadAt
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # debug/plan9obj
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/debug/plan9obj/file.go:103:21: cannot use f (variable of type *os.File) as io.ReaderAt value in argument to NewFile: missing method ReadAt
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # encoding/gob
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:39:24: Map not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:801:26: Map not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:802:26: Map not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:844:8: rt.Name undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Name)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:866:8: rt.Name undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Name)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:867:9: rt.PkgPath undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method PkgPath)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:868:21: rt.Name undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Name)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:870:21: rt.PkgPath undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method PkgPath)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:870:42: rt.Name undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Name)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:715:28: rt.Name undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Name)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:722:31: rt.Name undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Name)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:496:34: t.Key undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Key)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:514:37: t.Elem().Name undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Name)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/gob/type.go:531:17: typ.Name undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Name)
- [...more lines following...]
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # encoding/json
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/encode.go:349:23: Map not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/encode.go:1271:21: Map not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/encode.go:1120:19: sf.Tag.Get undefined (type string has no field or method Get)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/encode.go:1133:11: ft.Name undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Name)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/encode.go:1190:41: ft.Name undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Name)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/encode.go:771:16: PtrTo not declared by package reflect
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/encode.go:712:11: t.Key undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Key)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/encode.go:717:9: t.Key undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Key)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/encode.go:398:53: PtrTo not declared by package reflect
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/encode.go:405:53: PtrTo not declared by package reflect
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/encode.go:368:11: WaitGroup not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/decode.go:979:9: v.NumMethod undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method NumMethod)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/decode.go:1008:6: v.SetBytes undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method SetBytes)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/json/decode.go:1012:9: v.NumMethod undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method NumMethod)
- [...more lines following...]
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # encoding/xml
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go:47:19: Map not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go:318:14: typ.FieldByIndex undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method FieldByIndex)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go:319:14: typ.FieldByIndex undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method FieldByIndex)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go:114:29: f.Index undefined (type *reflect.StructField has no field or method Index)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go:117:15: f.Tag.Get undefined (type string has no field or method Get)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go:168:24: f.Tag.Get undefined (type string has no field or method Get)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go:175:23: f.Tag.Get undefined (type string has no field or method Get)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go:63:50: f.Tag.Get undefined (type string has no field or method Get)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/read.go:665:7: dst.SetBytes undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method SetBytes)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/read.go:398:17: Append not declared by package reflect
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/read.go:402:6: v.SetLen undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method SetLen)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/read.go:282:19: Append not declared by package reflect
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/read.go:286:8: val.SetLen undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method SetLen)
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/encoding/xml/read.go:193:7: t.Name undefined (type reflect.Type has no field or method Name)
- [...more lines following...]
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # flag
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/flag/flag.go:1007:33: Args not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/flag/flag.go:996:23: Args not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/flag/flag.go:579:57: Args not declared by package os
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # html
- ../../../.gvm/pkgsets/go1.13/global/src/github.com/tinygo-org/tinygo/src/runtime/runtime.go: interp: branch on a non-const-propagated constant expression
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- Instruction does not dominate all uses!
- %339 = call %runtime._interface @"compress/lzw.NewReader"(i32 %337, i8* %338, i32 0, i32 %333, i8* undef, i8* undef), !dbg !40321
- %invoke.typecode468 = extractvalue %runtime._interface %339, 0, !dbg !40240
- Instruction does not dominate all uses!
- %339 = call %runtime._interface @"compress/lzw.NewReader"(i32 %337, i8* %338, i32 0, i32 %333, i8* undef, i8* undef), !dbg !40321
- %invoke.func.receiver471 = extractvalue %runtime._interface %339, 1, !dbg !40240
- error: verification error after IR construction
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # math/big
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/math/big/float.go:559:4: interp: branch on a non-constant
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # mime
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/mime/type.go:15:22: Map not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/mime/type.go:16:22: Map not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/mime/type.go:21:20: Map not declared by package sync
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/mime/type.go:24:27: Map not declared by package sync
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # internal/singleflight
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/internal/singleflight/singleflight.go:13:10: WaitGroup not declared by package sync
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
- crypto/rand
- crypto/tls
- vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts
- vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy
- vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack
- mime
- mime/multipart
- net
- net/http/httptrace
- net/textproto
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # os/exec
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:129:14: Process not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:133:19: ProcessState not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:456:6: ProcessState not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:782:38: Getenv not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:645:20: Pipe not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:620:20: Pipe not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:578:20: Pipe not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:416:22: StartProcess not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:416:57: ProcAttr not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:291:27: DevNull not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:303:20: Pipe not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:246:23: DevNull not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:258:20: Pipe not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/exec/exec.go:229:12: Environ not declared by package os
- [...more lines following...]
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # os/signal
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal.go:15:18: Signal not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal.go:27:14: Signal not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal.go:50:23: Signal not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal.go:85:23: Signal not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal.go:90:21: Signal not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal.go:111:25: Signal not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal.go:111:43: Signal not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal.go:155:22: Signal not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal.go:162:23: Signal not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal.go:214:21: Signal not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:36:20: Signal not declared by package os
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/signal/signal.go:122:36: Signal not declared by package os
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # os/user
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/user/lookup.go:62:9: undeclared name: listGroups
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/user/lookup.go:57:9: undeclared name: lookupGroupId
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/user/lookup.go:51:9: undeclared name: lookupGroup
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/user/lookup.go:45:9: undeclared name: lookupUserId
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/user/lookup.go:36:9: undeclared name: lookupUser
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/os/user/lookup.go:15:41: undeclared name: current
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- # text/template/parse
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/text/template/parse/parse.go:193:26: Error not declared by package runtime
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:
The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:
- ../../../.gvm/gos/go1.13/src/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/tables.go:59:15: only strings, bools, ints, pointers or structs of bools/ints are supported as map keys, but got: struct{name string; value string}
This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled: