Application performance monitoring (APM) with traces

Promscale provides application performance monitoring with traces data using SQL. Import the Grafana dashboards that are published by the Promscale team using traces.

Before you begin importing the dashboards:

  • Add these data sources in Grafana:
  • Check that the timescaledb_toolkit extension is installed. To verify if the extension is installed, run this SQL query: SELECT * FROM pg_extension WHERE extname='timescaledb_toolkit'; If the query returns no results, then the extension is not installed. For more information about installing the extension, see the toolkit extension installation documentation.

You can use one of these methods to import dashboards:

  • From the Grafana community the dashboards published by Promscale.
  • From Promscale Github repository as JSON files.

Install the TimescaleDB toolkit extension

Installing the TimescaleDB toolkit extension

  1. Check if the extension is available:

    1. SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name='timescaledb_toolkit';

    If the query returns no results, the extension is not available for installation in your database. To make it available follow these instructions.

  2. Install the extension using:

    1. CREATE EXTENSION timescaledb_toolkit;

Import dashboards from the Grafana community

Grafana community dashboards contain all the dashboards published by Promscale.

Importing dashboards from the Grafana community

  1. In the Grafana community dashboard select the dashboard with APM prefix, click the Details button to open a dashboard.
  2. Click Copy ID to Clipboard to copy the UID of the dashboard.
  3. In the Grafana UI, select Import from the + Create icon on the side menu.
  4. Paste the dashboard UID in the Import via textbox, and click Load. The Importing dashboard from page appears.
  5. In the Folder drop-down menu, choose the folder to which you want to add the dashboard.
  6. Select the data sources from which you want the dashboard to query the data:
    • For application performance monitoring dashboards select TimescaleDB or PostgreSQL data source as Promscale-SQL.
    • For application performance monitoring dashboards, select Promscale Jaeger Tracing data source as Promscale-Tracing.
  7. Click Import.

Import dashboards as JSON files

Promscale dashboards repository contains all the dashboards published by Promscale.

Importing dashboards as JSON files

  1. Download all the .json files with apm prefix from the Promscale dashboards repository.
  2. In the Grafana UI, select Import from the + Create icon on the side menu.
  3. Select the Upload JSON file button, and select the downloaded JSON dashboard file. The Importing dashboard from page appears.
  4. In the Folder drop-down menu, choose the folder to which you want to add the dashboard.
  5. Select the data sources from which you want the dashboard to query the data:
    • For application performance monitoring dashboards, select TimescaleDB or PostgreSQL data source as Promscale-SQL.
    • For application performance monitoring dashboards, select Promscale Jaeger Tracing data source as Promscale-Tracing.
  6. Click Import.