Build a pie chart in Grafana

Pie charts are used to plot categorized data. The chart presents each category as a slice of a pie, so you can see its contribution to the total. It is good to note that, with more slices, the chart becomes harder to analyze, and with very similar, small slices, it becomes harder to compare slice sizes. Use pie charts for a small number of categories, and consider another chart type when you have large amounts of data.

Pie charts can answer questions like:

  • Which was the least traded stock volume last month?
  • Which stock has the highest traded stock today?
  • Who had the highest percentage of accrued votes in the last election?

This tutorial shows you how to:

A pie chart can be in the traditional pie style or in donut style. Both display the same information. This tutorial shows you how to create both.


Before you begin, make sure you have:

If you are new to Grafana, see the Grafana tutorials to get familiar with creating your first dashboard and visualizations. Also see this tutorial on adding variables to Grafana.

The examples in this section use these variables and Grafana functions:

  • $symbol: a variable used to filter results by stock symbols.
  • $__timeFrom()::timestamptz & $__timeTo()::timestamptz: Grafana variables. You change the values of these variables by using the dashboard’s date chooser when viewing your graph.
  • $bucket_interval: the interval size to pass to the time_bucket function when aggregating data.

Create a pie chart with preaggregated data

Create a pie chart visualization using the data in the table stocks_real_time.

Creating a pie chat with preaggregated data

  1. In the query editor, use this SQL to query a pie chart dataset. Use the variable $bucket interval for the time period covered by the pie chart:

    1. SELECT
    2. time_bucket('$bucket_interval', time) AS time,
    3. symbol,
    4. AVG(price) AS price
    5. FROM stocks_real_time srt
    6. WHERE symbol IN ($symbol)
    7. AND time >= $__timeFrom()::timestamptz AND time < $__timeTo()::timestamptz
    8. GROUP BY time_bucket('$bucket_interval', time), symbol
    9. ORDER BY time_bucket('$bucket_interval', time), symbol;
  2. Fetch all company symbols from the dataset in the Getting Started Tutorial with this query:

    1. SELECT
    2. DISTINCT symbol FROM company ORDER BY symbol ASC;
  3. In the Grafana dashboard, navigate to the settings page for your panel. In the Variables section:

    • In the Name field, give your symbol a name.
    • In the Type field, select Query.
    • In the Selection options field, enable multi-value.
  4. In the Grafana dashboard, in the Dashboard variable field, select the stocks to graph. Adjust the time range of the dashboard if needed. Make sure the returned data has a column named time that contains timestamps. The timestamps should be in ascending order. Otherwise, you get an error. The returned data looks like this:

    Screenshot of the table view of valid time-series data for stocks.

  1. In the Visualizations field, select Pie chart. Grafana turns the query into a pie chart. This example shows a pie chart price distribution of JPM, IBM, AAPL, AMD, and CVS stocks which has 20%, 23%, 25%, 15%, and 17%, respectively, within a specific period. The returned data has lots of information, but only the first values for each stock are displayed, because of the options selected in the calculation field.

    Screenshot of the pie chart produced by Grafana. The pie chart represents the price of five different stocks in 3 months, and the percentage of each makes up of the total sum.

  1. You can change how your data is displayed by changing the value options for Show. The Calculate option, used in the previous step, reduces each time series to a single value. The All values option shows every value from every series. Select All values to see the difference.

    Screenshot of the all values shown in pie chart produced by Grafana. The pie chart represents the price of selected stocks in the past 3 months.

  1. The new chart looks like this. Note that each stock has multiple slices to represent it, corresponding to each row in your table. The number of slices is limited to 40:

    Screenshot of the all values shown in pie chart produced by Grafana. The pie chart represents the price of selected stocks in the past 3 months.

Create a donut chart with volume transactions

A donut chart is a pie chart with the middle cut out. Compared to a pie chart, it can be easier to compare segments on a donut chart because the human eye is better at comparing the lengths of arcs. Otherwise, they’re exactly the same.

Follow this section to create a donut chart displaying the average transaction volume of each stock within a bucket interval. The transaction volume per bucket is calculated from the daily cumulative traded volume, which is available in the stocks_real_time hypertable.

Creating donut chart with volume transactions

  1. At the psql prompt, update the earlier query to find the maximum day_volume value for a symbol within a bucket. Then, subtract each maximum from the previous bucket’s maximum. The difference gives the traded volume for that bucket:

    1. SELECT
    2. time_bucket('$bucket_interval', time) AS time,
    3. symbol,
    4. MAX(day_volume) - LAG(MAX(day_volume), 1) OVER(
    5. PARTITION BY symbol
    6. ORDER BY time_bucket('$bucket_interval', time)
    7. ) AS bucket_volume
    8. FROM stocks_real_time srt
    9. WHERE symbol = $symbol
    10. AND time >= $__timeFrom()::timestamptz AND time < $__timeTo()::timestamptz
    11. GROUP BY time_bucket('$bucket_interval', time), symbol;
    12. ORDER BY time_bucket('$bucket_interval', time), symbol;
  2. In the Grafana dashboard, convert your pie chart to a donut chart. In the symbol drop-down menu, select all the stocks you want to compare. On the right side of the panel, click the pie chart drop-down. In the piechart type field, select donut:

    Screenshot of Grafana dashboard, showing pie chart.

  1. Refresh the panel. The donut chart view shows the percentage of trading volume for a 10-minute bucket, averaged over the entire day:

    Screenshot of Grafana dashboard, showing a donut chart.


If you go beyond a single trading day, you might get results that don’t look very good, or you might get no data returned. To fix this, focus your calculation on a single trading day instead.

Pie charts are a great tool for comparing categorized data. They’re especially good for visualizing percentages. But they don’t work as well if you have too many categories with similar percentages or large amount of data.

For more ways to visualize data using TimescaleDB and Grafana, see the other Grafana visualization tutorials.