Install the observability stack (tobs) for Kubernetes

The observability stack (tobs), is a pre-packaged distribution of observability tools and components which can be installed on any existing Kubernetes cluster. It includes many of the most popular open-source observability tools including Prometheus, Grafana, TimescaleDB, and other components. Together, these provide a unified solution to observe deployments in Kubernetes cluster and identify any potential problems using both metrics and traces. You can use Helm charts to configure and update tobs deployments.

Before you begin

Installing Promscale with tobs

The observability stack (tobs), eliminates the need to maintain configuration details for each of the applications, while providing observability for the applications running on your cluster. You can deploy tobs on your cluster and access it locally with kubectl Port-Forward.).

  1. Create the observability namespace on your cluster:

    1. kubectl create namespace observability
  2. Using Helm, deploy the tobs release labeled tobs in the observability namespace on your cluster:

    1. helm repo add timescale
    2. helm repo update
    3. helm install --wait tobs timescale/tobs --namespace observability
  3. Verify that all the components have been deployed to your cluster and are running by checking the pods in the observability namespace:

    1. kubectl -n observability get pods

Accessing the components with port-forward

You can use kubectl port-forward.) to open a connection to a service, then access the service by entering the corresponding ports in your web browser.

  1. List the services running in the observability namespace and review their respective ports:

    1. kubectl -n observability get svc
  2. To access Prometheus at the address in your web browser, use:

    1. kubectl -n observability \
    2. port-forward \
    3. svc/tobs-kube-prometheus-prometheus \
    4. 9090
  3. To access Alertmanager at the address in your web browser, use:

    1. kubectl -n observability \
    2. port-forward \
    3. svc/tobs-kube-prometheus-alertmanager \
    4. 9093
  4. To access Grafana at the address in your web browser, use:

    1. kubectl -n observability \
    2. port-forward \
    3. svc/tobs-grafana \
    4. 3000:80

When accessing Grafana, log in as admin. You can get the password using:

  1. kubectl get secret --namespace observability tobs-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

The Grafana dashboards are accessible at Dashboards > Browse from the left navigation bar.