
TimescaleDB Toolkit provides an implementation of the t-digest data structure for quantile approximations. A t-digest is a space efficient aggregation which provides increased resolution at the edges of the distribution. This allows for more accurate estimates of extreme quantiles than traditional methods.

Timescale’s t-digest is implemented as an aggregate function in PostgreSQL. They do not support moving-aggregate mode, and are not ordered-set aggregates. Presently they are restricted to float values, but the goal is to make them polymorphic. They are partializable and are good candidates for continuous aggregation.

One additional thing to note about TDigests is that they are somewhat dependant on the order of inputs. The percentile approximations should be nearly equal for the same underlying data, especially at the extremes of the quantile range where the TDigest is inherently more accurate, they are unlikely to be identical if built in a different order. While this should have little effect on the accuracy of the estimates, it is worth noting that repeating the creation of the TDigest might have subtle differences if the call is being parallelized by Postgres.

tdigest() usage

  1. tdigest(
  2. buckets INTEGER,
  4. ) RETURNS TDigest

This will construct and return a TDigest with the specified number of buckets over the given values.

Required Arguments

bucketsINTEGERNumber of buckets in the digest. Increasing this will provide more accurate quantile estimates, but will require more memory.
valueDOUBLE PRECISIONColumn to aggregate.


tdigestTDigestA t-digest object which may be passed to other t-digest APIs.

Sample usage

For this example, assume we have a table ‘samples’ with a column ‘weights’ holding DOUBLE PRECISION values. The following will simply return a digest over that column

  1. SELECT tdigest(100, data) FROM samples;

It may be more useful to build a view from the aggregate that can later be passed to other tdigest functions.

  1. CREATE VIEW digest AS
  2. SELECT tdigest(100, data)
  3. FROM samples;