API Document
Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API.
Resource Types:
- Backup
- BackupSchedule
- Restore
- TidbCluster
- TidbClusterAutoScaler
- TidbInitializer
- TidbMonitor
- BRConfig
- BackupCondition
- BackupConditionType
- BackupScheduleSpec
- BackupScheduleStatus
- BackupSpec
- BackupStatus
- BackupStorageType
- BackupType
- BasicAutoScalerSpec
- BasicAutoScalerStatus
- Binlog
- CommonConfig
- ComponentAccessor
- ComponentSpec
- ConfigUpdateStrategy
- CoprocessorCache
- CrdKind
- CrdKinds
- DashboardConfig
- Experimental
- FileLogConfig
- Flash
- FlashLogger
- GcsStorageProvider
- GrafanaSpec
- HelperSpec
- InitializePhase
- InitializerSpec
- Interval
- IsolationRead
- Log
- LogTailerSpec
- MasterKeyFileConfig
- MasterKeyKMSConfig
- MemberPhase
- MemberType
- MetricsStatus
- MonitorComponentAccessor
- MonitorContainer
- Networks
- OpenTracing
- OpenTracingReporter
- OpenTracingSampler
- PDConfig
- PDFailureMember
- PDLabelPropertyConfig
- PDLogConfig
- PDMember
- PDMetricConfig
- PDNamespaceConfig
- PDReplicationConfig
- PDScheduleConfig
- PDSchedulerConfig
- PDSchedulerConfigs
- PDSecurityConfig
- PDServerConfig
- PDSpec
- PDStatus
- PDStoreLabel
- PDStoreLabels
- Performance
- PessimisticTxn
- PlanCache
- Plugin
- PreparedPlanCache
- Profile
- PrometheusSpec
- ProxyProtocol
- PumpSpec
- PumpStatus
- Quota
- ReloaderSpec
- RestoreCondition
- RestoreConditionType
- RestoreSpec
- RestoreStatus
- S3StorageProvider
- S3StorageProviderType
- Security
- Service
- ServiceSpec
- Status
- StmtSummary
- StorageClaim
- StorageProvider
- TLSCluster
- TiDBAccessConfig
- TiDBConfig
- TiDBFailureMember
- TiDBMember
- TiDBServiceSpec
- TiDBSlowLogTailerSpec
- TiDBSpec
- TiDBStatus
- TiDBTLSClient
- TiFlashConfig
- TiFlashSpec
- TiKVBlockCacheConfig
- TiKVCfConfig
- TiKVClient
- TiKVConfig
- TiKVCoprocessorConfig
- TiKVCoprocessorReadPoolConfig
- TiKVDbConfig
- TiKVEncryptionConfig
- TiKVFailureStore
- TiKVGCConfig
- TiKVImportConfig
- TiKVMasterKeyConfig
- TiKVPDConfig
- TiKVRaftDBConfig
- TiKVRaftstoreConfig
- TiKVReadPoolConfig
- TiKVSecurityConfig
- TiKVServerConfig
- TiKVSpec
- TiKVStatus
- TiKVStorageConfig
- TiKVStorageReadPoolConfig
- TiKVStore
- TiKVTitanCfConfig
- TiKVTitanDBConfig
- TidbAutoScalerSpec
- TidbAutoScalerStatus
- TidbClusterAutoScalerSpec
- TidbClusterAutoSclaerStatus
- TidbClusterRef
- TidbClusterSpec
- TidbClusterStatus
- TidbInitializerSpec
- TidbInitializerStatus
- TidbMonitorRef
- TidbMonitorSpec
- TidbMonitorStatus
- TikvAutoScalerSpec
- TikvAutoScalerStatus
- TxnLocalLatches
- UnjoinedMember
- User