(Appears on: PDConfig)
PDReplicationConfig is the replication configuration.
Field | Description |
max-replicas uint64 | (Optional) MaxReplicas is the number of replicas for each region. Immutable, change should be made through pd-ctl after cluster creation Optional: Defaults to 3 |
location-labels []string | (Optional) The label keys specified the location of a store. The placement priorities is implied by the order of label keys. For example, [“zone”, “rack”] means that we should place replicas to different zones first, then to different racks if we don’t have enough zones. Immutable, change should be made through pd-ctl after cluster creation |
strictly-match-label,string bool | (Optional) StrictlyMatchLabel strictly checks if the label of TiKV is matched with LocaltionLabels. Immutable, change should be made through pd-ctl after cluster creation. Imported from v3.1.0 |
enable-placement-rules,string bool | (Optional) When PlacementRules feature is enabled. MaxReplicas and LocationLabels are not used anymore. |