Chapter 25. Boost.PropertyTree

With the class boost::property_tree::ptree, Boost.PropertyTree provides a tree structure to store key/value pairs. Tree structure means that a trunk exists with numerous branches that have numerous twigs. A file system is a good example of a tree structure. File systems have a root directory with subdirectories that themselves can have subdirectories and so on.

To use boost::property_tree::ptree, include the header file boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp. This is a master header file, so no other header files need to be included for Boost.PropertyTree.

Example 25.1. Accessing data in boost::property_tree::ptree

  1. #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
  2. #include <iostream>
  3. using boost::property_tree::ptree;
  4. int main()
  5. {
  6. ptree pt;
  7. pt.put("C:.Windows.System", "20 files");
  8. ptree &c = pt.get_child("C:");
  9. ptree &windows = c.get_child("Windows");
  10. ptree &system = windows.get_child("System");
  11. std::cout << system.get_value<std::string>() << '\n';
  12. }

Example 25.1 uses boost::property_tree::ptree to store a path to a directory. This is done with a call to put(). This member function expects two parameters because boost::property_tree::ptree is a tree structure that saves key/value pairs. The tree doesn’t just consist of branches and twigs, a value must be assigned to each branch and twig. In Example 25.1 the value is “20 files”.

The first parameter passed to put() is more interesting. It is a path to a directory. However, it doesn’t use the backlash, which is the common path separator on Windows. It uses the dot.

You need to use the dot because it’s the separator Boost.PropertyTree expects for keys. The parameter “C:.Windows.System” tells pt to create a branch called C: with a branch called Windows that has another branch called System. The dot creates the nested structure of branches. If “C:\Windows\System” had been passed as the parameter, pt would only have one branch called C:\Windows\System.

After the call to put(), pt is accessed to read the stored value “20 files” and write it to standard output. This is done by jumping from branch to branch – or directory to directory.

To access a subbranch, you call get_child(), which returns a reference to an object of the same type get_child() was called on. In Example 25.1, this is a reference to boost::property_tree::ptree. Because every branch can have subbranches, and because there is no structural difference between higher and lower branches, the same type is used.

The third call to get_child() retrieves the boost::property_tree::ptree, which represents the directory System. get_value() is called to read the value that was stored at the beginning of the example with put().

Please note that get_value() is a function template. You pass the type of the return value as a template parameter. That way get_value() can do an automatic type conversion.

Example 25.2. Accessing data in basic_ptree<std::string, int>

  1. #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
  2. #include <utility>
  3. #include <iostream>
  4. int main()
  5. {
  6. typedef boost::property_tree::basic_ptree<std::string, int> ptree;
  7. ptree pt;
  8. pt.put(ptree::path_type{"C:\\Windows\\System", '\\'}, 20);
  9. pt.put(ptree::path_type{"C:\\Windows\\Cursors", '\\'}, 50);
  10. ptree &windows = pt.get_child(ptree::path_type{"C:\\Windows", '\\'});
  11. int files = 0;
  12. for (const std::pair<std::string, ptree> &p : windows)
  13. files += p.second.get_value<int>();
  14. std::cout << files << '\n';
  15. }

There are two changes in Example 25.2 compared with Example 25.1. These changes are to save paths to directories and the number of files in directories more easily. First, paths use a backslash as the separator when passed to put(). Secondly, the number of files is stored as an int.

By default, Boost.PropertyTree uses a dot as the separator for keys. If you need to use another character, such as the backslash, as the separator, you don’t pass the key as a string to put(). Instead you wrap it in an object of type boost::property_tree::ptree::path_type. The constructor of this class, which depends on boost::property_tree::ptree, takes the key as its first parameter and the separator character as its second parameter. That way, you can use a path such as C:\Windows\System, as shown in Example 25.2, without having to replace backslashes with dots.

boost::property_tree::ptree is based on the class template boost::property_tree::basic_ptree. Because keys and values are often strings, boost::property_tree::ptree is predefined. However, you can use boost::property_tree::basic_ptree with different types for keys and values. The tree in Example 25.2 uses an int to store the number of files in a directory rather than a string.

boost::property_tree::ptree provides the member functions begin() and end(). However, boost::property_tree::ptree only lets you iterate over the branches in one level. Example 25.2 iterates over the subdirectories of C:\Windows. You can’t get an iterator to iterate over all branches in all levels.

The for loop in Example 25.2 reads the number of files in all subdirectories of C:\Windows to calculate a total. As a result, the example displays 70. The example doesn’t access objects of type ptree directly. Instead it iterates over elements of type std::pair<std::string, ptree>. first contains the key of the current branch. That is System and Cursors in Example 25.2. second provides access to an object of type ptree, which represents the possible subdirectories. In the example, only the values assigned to System and Cursors are read. As in Example 25.1, the member function get_value() is called.

boost::property_tree::ptree only stores the value of the current branch, not its key. You can get the value with get_value(), but there is no member function to get the key. The key is stored in boost::property_tree::ptree one level up. This also explains why the for loop iterates over elements of type std::pair<std::string, ptree>.

Example 25.3. Accessing data with a translator

  1. #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
  2. #include <boost/optional.hpp>
  3. #include <iostream>
  4. #include <cstdlib>
  5. struct string_to_int_translator
  6. {
  7. typedef std::string internal_type;
  8. typedef int external_type;
  9. boost::optional<int> get_value(const std::string &s)
  10. {
  11. char *c;
  12. long l = std::strtol(s.c_str(), &c, 10);
  13. return boost::make_optional(c != s.c_str(), static_cast<int>(l));
  14. }
  15. };
  16. int main()
  17. {
  18. typedef boost::property_tree::iptree ptree;
  19. ptree pt;
  20. pt.put(ptree::path_type{"C:\\Windows\\System", '\\'}, "20 files");
  21. pt.put(ptree::path_type{"C:\\Windows\\Cursors", '\\'}, "50 files");
  22. string_to_int_translator tr;
  23. int files =
  24. pt.get<int>(ptree::path_type{"c:\\windows\\system", '\\'}, tr) +
  25. pt.get<int>(ptree::path_type{"c:\\windows\\cursors", '\\'}, tr);
  26. std::cout << files << '\n';
  27. }

Example 25.3 uses with boost::property_tree::iptree another predefined tree from Boost.PropertyTree. In general, this type behaves like boost::property_tree::ptree. The only difference is that boost::property_tree::iptree doesn’t distinguish between lower and upper case. For example, a value stored with the key C:\Windows\System can be read with c:\windows\system.

Unlike Example 25.1, get_child() isn’t called multiple times to access subbranches. Just as put() can be used to store a value in a subbranch directly, a value from a subbranch can be read with get(). The key is defined the same way – for example using boost::property_tree::iptree::path_type.

Like get_value(), get() is a function template. You have to pass the type of the return value as a template parameter. Boost.PropertyTree does an automatic type conversion.

To convert types, Boost.PropertyTree uses translators. The library provides a few translators out of the box that are based on streams and can convert types automatically.

Example 25.3 defines the translator string_to_int_translator, which converts a value of type std::string to int. The translator is passed as an additional parameter to get(). Because the translator is just used to read, it only defines one member function, get_value(). If you want to use the translator for writing, too, then you would need to define a member function put_value() and then pass the translator as an additional parameter to put().

getvalue() returns a value of the type that is used in _pt. However, because a type conversion doesn’t always succeed, boost::optional is used. If a value is stored in Example 25.3 that can’t be converted to an int with std::strtol(), an empty object of type boost::optional will be returned.

Please note that a translator must also define the two types internal_type and external_type. If you need to convert types when storing data, define put_value() similar to get_value().

If you modify Example 25.3 to store the value “20” instead of value “20 files”, get_value() can be called without passing a translator. The translators provided by Boost.PropertyTree can convert from std::string to int. However, the type conversion only succeeds when the entire string can be converted. The string must not contain any letters. Because std::strtol() can do a type conversion as long as the string starts with digits, the more liberal translator string_to_int_translator is used in Example 25.3.

Example 25.4. Various member functions of boost::property_tree::ptree

  1. #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
  2. #include <utility>
  3. #include <iostream>
  4. using boost::property_tree::ptree;
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7. ptree pt;
  8. pt.put("C:.Windows.System", "20 files");
  9. boost::optional<std::string> c = pt.get_optional<std::string>("C:");
  10. std::cout << std::boolalpha << c.is_initialized() << '\n';
  11. pt.put_child("D:.Program Files", ptree{"50 files"});
  12. pt.add_child("D:.Program Files", ptree{"60 files"});
  13. ptree d = pt.get_child("D:");
  14. for (const std::pair<std::string, ptree> &p : d)
  15. std::cout << p.second.get_value<std::string>() << '\n';
  16. boost::optional<ptree&> e = pt.get_child_optional("E:");
  17. std::cout << e.is_initialized() << '\n';
  18. }

You can call the member function get_optional() if you want to read the value of a key, but you aren’t sure if the key exists. get_optional() returns the value in an object of type boost::optional. The object is empty if the key wasn’t found. Otherwise, get_optional() works the same as get().

It might seem like put_child() and add_child() are the same as put(). The difference is that put() creates only a key/value pair while put_child() and add_child() insert an entire subtree. Note that an object of type boost::property_tree::ptree is passed as the second parameter to put_child() and add_child().

The difference between put_child() and add_child() is that put_child() accesses a key if that key already exists, while add_child() always inserts a new key into the tree. That’s why the tree in Example 25.4 has two keys called “D:.Program Files”. Depending on the use case, this can be confusing. If a tree represents a file system, there shouldn’t be two identical paths. You have to avoid inserting identical keys if you don’t want duplicates in a tree.

Example 25.4 displays the value of the keys below “D:” in the for loop. The example writes 50 files and 60 files to standard output, which proves there are two identical keys called “D:.Program Files”.

The last member function introduced in Example 25.4 is get_child_optional(). This function is used like get_child(). get_child_optional() returns an object of type boost::optional. You call boost::optional if you aren’t sure whether a key exists.

Example 25.5. Serializing a boost::property_tree::ptree in the JSON format

  1. #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
  2. #include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
  3. #include <iostream>
  4. using namespace boost::property_tree;
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7. ptree pt;
  8. pt.put("C:.Windows.System", "20 files");
  9. pt.put("C:.Windows.Cursors", "50 files");
  10. json_parser::write_json("file.json", pt);
  11. ptree pt2;
  12. json_parser::read_json("file.json", pt2);
  13. std::cout << std::boolalpha << (pt == pt2) << '\n';
  14. }

Boost.PropertyTree does more than just provide structures to manage data in memory. As can be seen in Example 25.5, the library also provides functions to save a boost::property_tree::ptree in a file and load it from a file.

The header file boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp provides access to the functions boost::property_tree::json_parser::write_json() and boost::property_tree::json_parser::read_json(). These functions make it possible to save and load a boost::property_tree::ptree serialized in the JSON format. That way you can support configuration files in the JSON format.

If you want to call functions that store a boost::property_tree::ptree in a file or load it from a file, you must include header files such as boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp. It isn’t sufficient to only include boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp.

In addition to the functions boost::property_tree::json_parser::write_json() and boost::property_tree::json_parser::read_json(), Boost.PropertyTree provides functions for additional data formats. You use boost::property_tree::ini_parser::write_ini() and boost::property_tree::ini_parser::read_ini() from boost/property_tree/ini_parser.hpp to support INI-files. With boost::property_tree::xml_parser::write_xml() and boost::property_tree::xml_parser::read_xml() from boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp, data can be loaded and stored in XML format. With boost::property_tree::info_parser::write_info() and boost::property_tree::info_parser::read_info() from boost/property_tree/info_parser.hpp, you can access another format that was developed and optimized to serialize trees from Boost.PropertyTree.

None of the supported formats guarantees that a boost::property_tree::ptree will look the same after it has been saved and reloaded. For example, the JSON format can lose type information because boost::property_tree::ptree can’t distinguish between true and “true”. The type is always the same. Even if the various functions make it easy to save and load a boost::property_tree::ptree, don’t forget that Boost.PropertyTree doesn’t support the formats completely. The main focus of the library is on the structure boost::property_tree::ptree and not on supporting various data formats.


Create a program that loads this JSON-file and writes the names of all animals to standard output. If “all” is set to true the program should not only write the names but all properties of all animals to standard output:

  1. {
  2. "animals": [
  3. {
  4. "name": "cat",
  5. "legs": 4,
  6. "has_tail": true
  7. },
  8. {
  9. "name": "spider",
  10. "legs": 8,
  11. "has_tail": false
  12. }
  13. ],
  14. "log": {
  15. "all": true
  16. }
  17. }