The Software: PyTorch, fastai, and Jupyter

(And Why It Doesn’t Matter)

We’ve completed hundreds of machine learning projects using dozens of different packages, and many different programming languages. At, we have written courses using most of the main deep learning and machine learning packages used today. After PyTorch came out in 2017 we spent over a thousand hours testing it before deciding that we would use it for future courses, software development, and research. Since that time PyTorch has become the world’s fastest-growing deep learning library and is already used for most research papers at top conferences. This is generally a leading indicator of usage in industry, because these are the papers that end up getting used in products and services commercially. We have found that PyTorch is the most flexible and expressive library for deep learning. It does not trade off speed for simplicity, but provides both.

PyTorch works best as a low-level foundation library, providing the basic operations for higher-level functionality. The fastai library is the most popular library for adding this higher-level functionality on top of PyTorch. It’s also particularly well suited to the purposes of this book, because it is unique in providing a deeply layered software architecture (there’s even a peer-reviewed academic paper about this layered API). In this book, as we go deeper and deeper into the foundations of deep learning, we will also go deeper and deeper into the layers of fastai. This book covers version 2 of the fastai library, which is a from-scratch rewrite providing many unique features.

However, it doesn’t really matter what software you learn, because it takes only a few days to learn to switch from one library to another. What really matters is learning the deep learning foundations and techniques properly. Our focus will be on using code that clearly expresses the concepts that you need to learn. Where we are teaching high-level concepts, we will use high-level fastai code. Where we are teaching low-level concepts, we will use low-level PyTorch, or even pure Python code.

If it feels like new deep learning libraries are appearing at a rapid pace nowadays, then you need to be prepared for a much faster rate of change in the coming months and years. As more people enter the field, they will bring more skills and ideas, and try more things. You should assume that whatever specific libraries and software you learn today will be obsolete in a year or two. Just think about the number of changes in libraries and technology stacks that occur all the time in the world of web programming—a much more mature and slow-growing area than deep learning. We strongly believe that the focus in learning needs to be on understanding the underlying techniques and how to apply them in practice, and how to quickly build expertise in new tools and techniques as they are released.

By the end of the book, you’ll understand nearly all the code that’s inside fastai (and much of PyTorch too), because in each chapter we’ll be digging a level deeper to show you exactly what’s going on as we build and train our models. This means that you’ll have learned the most important best practices used in modern deep learning—not just how to use them, but how they really work and are implemented. If you want to use those approaches in another framework, you’ll have the knowledge you need to do so if needed.

Since the most important thing for learning deep learning is writing code and experimenting, it’s important that you have a great platform for experimenting with code. The most popular programming experimentation platform is called Jupyter. This is what we will be using throughout this book. We will show you how you can use Jupyter to train and experiment with models and introspect every stage of the data pre-processing and model development pipeline. Jupyter Notebook is the most popular tool for doing data science in Python, for good reason. It is powerful, flexible, and easy to use. We think you will love it!

Let’s see it in practice and train our first model.