Disinformation and Language Models

Even simple algorithms based on rules, before the days of widely available deep learning language models, could be used to create fraudulent accounts and try to influence policymakers. Jeff Kao, now a computational journalist at ProPublica, analyzed the comments that were sent to the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding a 2017 proposal to repeal net neutrality. In his article “More than a Million Pro-Repeal Net Neutrality Comments Were Likely Faked”, he reports how he discovered a large cluster of comments opposing net neutrality that seemed to have been generated by some sort of Mad Libs-style mail merge. In <>, the fake comments have been helpfully color-coded by Kao to highlight their formulaic nature.

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Kao estimated that “less than 800,000 of the 22M+ comments… could be considered truly unique” and that “more than 99% of the truly unique comments were in favor of keeping net neutrality.”

Given advances in language modeling that have occurred since 2017, such fraudulent campaigns could be nearly impossible to catch now. You now have all the necessary tools at your disposal to create a compelling language model—that is, something that can generate context-appropriate, believable text. It won’t necessarily be perfectly accurate or correct, but it will be plausible. Think about what this technology would mean when put together with the kinds of disinformation campaigns we have learned about in recent years. Take a look at the Reddit dialogue shown in <>, where a language model based on OpenAI’s GPT-2 algorithm is having a conversation with itself about whether the US government should cut defense spending.

An algorithm talking to itself on Reddit

In this case, it was explicitly said that an algorithm was used, but imagine what would happen if a bad actor decided to release such an algorithm across social networks. They could do it slowly and carefully, allowing the algorithm to gradually develop followers and trust over time. It would not take many resources to have literally millions of accounts doing this. In such a situation we could easily imagine getting to a point where the vast majority of discourse online was from bots, and nobody would have any idea that it was happening.

We are already starting to see examples of machine learning being used to generate identities. For example, <> shows a LinkedIn profile for Katie Jones.

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Katie Jones was connected on LinkedIn to several members of mainstream Washington think tanks. But she didn’t exist. That image you see was auto-generated by a generative adversarial network, and somebody named Katie Jones has not, in fact, graduated from the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Many people assume or hope that algorithms will come to our defense here—that we will develop classification algorithms that can automatically recognise autogenerated content. The problem, however, is that this will always be an arms race, in which better classification (or discriminator) algorithms can be used to create better generation algorithms.