Computer Vision

For computer vision application we use the functions cnn_learner and unet_learner to build our models, depending on the task. In this section we’ll explore how to build the Learner objects we used in Parts 1 and 2 of this book.


Let’s take a look at what happens when we use the cnn_learner function. We begin by passing this function an architecture to use for the body of the network. Most of the time we use a ResNet, which you already know how to create, so we don’t need to delve into that any further. Pretrained weights are downloaded as required and loaded into the ResNet.

Then, for transfer learning, the network needs to be cut. This refers to slicing off the final layer, which is only responsible for ImageNet-specific categorization. In fact, we do not slice off only this layer, but everything from the adaptive average pooling layer onwards. The reason for this will become clear in just a moment. Since different architectures might use different types of pooling layers, or even completely different kinds of heads, we don’t just search for the adaptive pooling layer to decide where to cut the pretrained model. Instead, we have a dictionary of information that is used for each model to determine where its body ends, and its head starts. We call this model_meta—here it is for resnet-50:

In [ ]:

  1. model_meta[resnet50]

Out[ ]:

  1. {'cut': -2,
  2. 'split': <function>,
  3. 'stats': ([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])}

jargon: Body and Head: The “head” of a neural net is the part that is specialized for a particular task. For a CNN, it’s generally the part after the adaptive average pooling layer. The “body” is everything else, and includes the “stem” (which we learned about in <>).

If we take all of the layers prior to the cut point of -2, we get the part of the model that fastai will keep for transfer learning. Now, we put on our new head. This is created using the function create_head:

In [ ]:

  1. #hide_output
  2. create_head(20,2)

Out[ ]:

  1. Sequential(
  2. (0): AdaptiveConcatPool2d(
  3. (ap): AdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size=1)
  4. (mp): AdaptiveMaxPool2d(output_size=1)
  5. )
  6. (1): full: False
  7. (2): BatchNorm1d(20, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
  8. (3): Dropout(p=0.25, inplace=False)
  9. (4): Linear(in_features=20, out_features=512, bias=False)
  10. (5): ReLU(inplace=True)
  11. (6): BatchNorm1d(512, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
  12. (7): Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=False)
  13. (8): Linear(in_features=512, out_features=2, bias=False)
  14. )
  1. Sequential(
  2. (0): AdaptiveConcatPool2d(
  3. (ap): AdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size=1)
  4. (mp): AdaptiveMaxPool2d(output_size=1)
  5. )
  6. (1): Flatten()
  7. (2): BatchNorm1d(20, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True)
  8. (3): Dropout(p=0.25, inplace=False)
  9. (4): Linear(in_features=20, out_features=512, bias=False)
  10. (5): ReLU(inplace=True)
  11. (6): BatchNorm1d(512, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True)
  12. (7): Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=False)
  13. (8): Linear(in_features=512, out_features=2, bias=False)
  14. )

With this function you can choose how many additional linear layers are added to the end, how much dropout to use after each one, and what kind of pooling to use. By default, fastai will apply both average pooling, and max pooling, and will concatenate the two together (this is the AdaptiveConcatPool2d layer). This is not a particularly common approach, but it was developed independently at fastai and other research labs in recent years, and tends to provide some small improvement over using just average pooling.

fastai is a bit different from most libraries in that by default it adds two linear layers, rather than one, in the CNN head. The reason for this is that transfer learning can still be useful even, as we have seen, when transferring the pretrained model to very different domains. However, just using a single linear layer is unlikely to be enough in these cases; we have found that using two linear layers can allow transfer learning to be used more quickly and easily, in more situations.

note: One Last Batchnorm?: One parameter to create_head that is worth looking at is bn_final. Setting this to true will cause a batchnorm layer to be added as your final layer. This can be useful in helping your model scale appropriately for your output activations. We haven’t seen this approach published anywhere as yet, but we have found that it works well in practice wherever we have used it.

Let’s now take a look at what unet_learner did in the segmentation problem we showed in <>.


One of the most interesting architectures in deep learning is the one that we used for segmentation in <>. Segmentation is a challenging task, because the output required is really an image, or a pixel grid, containing the predicted label for every pixel. There are other tasks that share a similar basic design, such as increasing the resolution of an image (super-resolution), adding color to a black-and-white image (colorization), or converting a photo into a synthetic painting (style transfer)—these tasks are covered by an online chapter of this book, so be sure to check it out after you’ve read this chapter. In each case, we are starting with an image and converting it to some other image of the same dimensions or aspect ratio, but with the pixels altered in some way. We refer to these as generative vision models.

The way we do this is to start with the exact same approach to developing a CNN head as we saw in the previous problem. We start with a ResNet, for instance, and cut off the adaptive pooling layer and everything after that. Then we replace those layers with our custom head, which does the generative task.

There was a lot of handwaving in that last sentence! How on earth do we create a CNN head that generates an image? If we start with, say, a 224-pixel input image, then at the end of the ResNet body we will have a 7×7 grid of convolutional activations. How can we convert that into a 224-pixel segmentation mask?

Naturally, we do this with a neural network! So we need some kind of layer that can increase the grid size in a CNN. One very simple approach to this is to replace every pixel in the 7×7 grid with four pixels in a 2×2 square. Each of those four pixels will have the same value—this is known as nearest neighbor interpolation. PyTorch provides a layer that does this for us, so one option is to create a head that contains stride-1 convolutional layers (along with batchnorm and ReLU layers as usual) interspersed with 2×2 nearest neighbor interpolation layers. In fact, you can try this now! See if you can create a custom head designed like this, and try it on the CamVid segmentation task. You should find that you get some reasonable results, although they won’t be as good as our <> results.

Another approach is to replace the nearest neighbor and convolution combination with a transposed convolution, otherwise known as a stride half convolution. This is identical to a regular convolution, but first zero padding is inserted between all the pixels in the input. This is easiest to see with a picture—<> shows a diagram from the excellent convolutional arithmetic paper we discussed in <>, showing a 3×3 transposed convolution applied to a 3×3 image.

A transposed convolution

As you see, the result of this is to increase the size of the input. You can try this out now by using fastai’s ConvLayer class; pass the parameter transpose=True to create a transposed convolution, instead of a regular one, in your custom head.

Neither of these approaches, however, works really well. The problem is that our 7×7 grid simply doesn’t have enough information to create a 224×224-pixel output. It’s asking an awful lot of the activations of each of those grid cells to have enough information to fully regenerate every pixel in the output. The solution to this problem is to use skip connections, like in a ResNet, but skipping from the activations in the body of the ResNet all the way over to the activations of the transposed convolution on the opposite side of the architecture. This approach, illustrated in <>, was developed by Olaf Ronneberger, Philipp Fischer, and Thomas Brox in the 2015 paper “U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation”. Although the paper focused on medical applications, the U-Net has revolutionized all kinds of generative vision models.

The U-Net architecture

This picture shows the CNN body on the left (in this case, it’s a regular CNN, not a ResNet, and they’re using 2×2 max pooling instead of stride-2 convolutions, since this paper was written before ResNets came along) and the transposed convolutional (“up-conv”) layers on the right. Then extra skip connections are shown as gray arrows crossing from left to right (these are sometimes called cross connections). You can see why it’s called a “U-Net!”

With this architecture, the input to the transposed convolutions is not just the lower-resolution grid in the preceding layer, but also the higher-resolution grid in the ResNet head. This allows the U-Net to use all of the information of the original image, as it is needed. One challenge with U-Nets is that the exact architecture depends on the image size. fastai has a unique DynamicUnet class that autogenerates an architecture of the right size based on the data provided.

Let’s focus now on an example where we leverage the fastai library to write a custom model.

A Siamese Network

In [ ]:

  1. #hide
  2. from import *
  3. path = untar_data(URLs.PETS)
  4. files = get_image_files(path/"images")
  5. class SiameseImage(fastuple):
  6. def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
  7. img1,img2,same_breed = self
  8. if not isinstance(img1, Tensor):
  9. if img2.size != img1.size: img2 = img2.resize(img1.size)
  10. t1,t2 = tensor(img1),tensor(img2)
  11. t1,t2 = t1.permute(2,0,1),t2.permute(2,0,1)
  12. else: t1,t2 = img1,img2
  13. line = t1.new_zeros(t1.shape[0], t1.shape[1], 10)
  14. return show_image([t1,line,t2], dim=2),
  15. title=same_breed, ctx=ctx)
  16. def label_func(fname):
  17. return re.match(r'^(.*)_\d+.jpg$',[0]
  18. class SiameseTransform(Transform):
  19. def __init__(self, files, label_func, splits):
  20. self.labels =
  21. self.lbl2files = {l: L(f for f in files if label_func(f) == l) for l in self.labels}
  22. self.label_func = label_func
  23. self.valid = {f: self._draw(f) for f in files[splits[1]]}
  24. def encodes(self, f):
  25. f2,t = self.valid.get(f, self._draw(f))
  26. img1,img2 = PILImage.create(f),PILImage.create(f2)
  27. return SiameseImage(img1, img2, t)
  28. def _draw(self, f):
  29. same = random.random() < 0.5
  30. cls = self.label_func(f)
  31. if not same: cls = random.choice(L(l for l in self.labels if l != cls))
  32. return random.choice(self.lbl2files[cls]),same
  33. splits = RandomSplitter()(files)
  34. tfm = SiameseTransform(files, label_func, splits)
  35. tls = TfmdLists(files, tfm, splits=splits)
  36. dls = tls.dataloaders(after_item=[Resize(224), ToTensor],
  37. after_batch=[IntToFloatTensor, Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats)])

Let’s go back to the input pipeline we set up in <> for a Siamese network. If you remember, it consisted of pair of images with the label being True or False, depending on if they were in the same class or not.

Using what we just saw, let’s build a custom model for this task and train it. How? We will use a pretrained architecture and pass our two images through it. Then we can concatenate the results and send them to a custom head that will return two predictions. In terms of modules, this looks like this:

In [ ]:

  1. class SiameseModel(Module):
  2. def __init__(self, encoder, head):
  3. self.encoder,self.head = encoder,head
  4. def forward(self, x1, x2):
  5. ftrs =[self.encoder(x1), self.encoder(x2)], dim=1)
  6. return self.head(ftrs)

To create our encoder, we just need to take a pretrained model and cut it, as we explained before. The function create_body does that for us; we just have to pass it the place where we want to cut. As we saw earlier, per the dictionary of metadata for pretrained models, the cut value for a resnet is -2:

In [ ]:

  1. encoder = create_body(resnet34, cut=-2)

Then we can create our head. A look at the encoder tells us the last layer has 512 features, so this head will need to receive 512*2. Why 2? We have to multiply by 2 because we have two images. So we create the head as follows:

In [ ]:

  1. head = create_head(512*2, 2, ps=0.5)

With our encoder and head, we can now build our model:

In [ ]:

  1. model = SiameseModel(encoder, head)

Before using Learner, we have two more things to define. First, we must define the loss function we want to use. It’s regular cross-entropy, but since our targets are Booleans, we need to convert them to integers or PyTorch will throw an error:

In [ ]:

  1. def loss_func(out, targ):
  2. return nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(out, targ.long())

More importantly, to take full advantage of transfer learning, we have to define a custom splitter. A splitter is a function that tells the fastai library how to split the model into parameter groups. These are used behind the scenes to train only the head of a model when we do transfer learning.

Here we want two parameter groups: one for the encoder and one for the head. We can thus define the following splitter (params is just a function that returns all parameters of a given module):

In [ ]:

  1. def siamese_splitter(model):
  2. return [params(model.encoder), params(model.head)]

Then we can define our Learner by passing the data, model, loss function, splitter, and any metric we want. Since we are not using a convenience function from fastai for transfer learning (like cnn_learner), we have to call learn.freeze manually. This will make sure only the last parameter group (in this case, the head) is trained:

In [ ]:

  1. learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_func=loss_func,
  2. splitter=siamese_splitter, metrics=accuracy)
  3. learn.freeze()

Then we can directly train our model with the usual methods:

In [ ]:

  1. learn.fit_one_cycle(4, 3e-3)

Before unfreezing and fine-tuning the whole model a bit more with discriminative learning rates (that is: a lower learning rate for the body and a higher one for the head):

In [ ]:

  1. learn.unfreeze()
  2. learn.fit_one_cycle(4, slice(1e-6,1e-4))

94.8\% is very good when we remember a classifier trained the same way (with no data augmentation) had an error rate of 7%.

Now that we’ve seen how to create complete state-of-the-art computer vision models, let’s move on to NLP.