Text Preprocessing

It’s not at all obvious how we’re going to use what we’ve learned so far to build a language model. Sentences can be different lengths, and documents can be very long. So, how can we predict the next word of a sentence using a neural network? Let’s find out!

We’ve already seen how categorical variables can be used as independent variables for a neural network. The approach we took for a single categorical variable was to:

  1. Make a list of all possible levels of that categorical variable (we’ll call this list the vocab).
  2. Replace each level with its index in the vocab.
  3. Create an embedding matrix for this containing a row for each level (i.e., for each item of the vocab).
  4. Use this embedding matrix as the first layer of a neural network. (A dedicated embedding matrix can take as inputs the raw vocab indexes created in step 2; this is equivalent to but faster and more efficient than a matrix that takes as input one-hot-encoded vectors representing the indexes.)

We can do nearly the same thing with text! What is new is the idea of a sequence. First we concatenate all of the documents in our dataset into one big long string and split it into words, giving us a very long list of words (or “tokens”). Our independent variable will be the sequence of words starting with the first word in our very long list and ending with the second to last, and our dependent variable will be the sequence of words starting with the second word and ending with the last word.

Our vocab will consist of a mix of common words that are already in the vocabulary of our pretrained model and new words specific to our corpus (cinematographic terms or actors names, for instance). Our embedding matrix will be built accordingly: for words that are in the vocabulary of our pretrained model, we will take the corresponding row in the embedding matrix of the pretrained model; but for new words we won’t have anything, so we will just initialize the corresponding row with a random vector.

Each of the steps necessary to create a language model has jargon associated with it from the world of natural language processing, and fastai and PyTorch classes available to help. The steps are:

  • Tokenization:: Convert the text into a list of words (or characters, or substrings, depending on the granularity of your model)
  • Numericalization:: Make a list of all of the unique words that appear (the vocab), and convert each word into a number, by looking up its index in the vocab
  • Language model data loader creation:: fastai provides an LMDataLoader class which automatically handles creating a dependent variable that is offset from the independent variable by one token. It also handles some important details, such as how to shuffle the training data in such a way that the dependent and independent variables maintain their structure as required
  • Language model creation:: We need a special kind of model that does something we haven’t seen before: handles input lists which could be arbitrarily big or small. There are a number of ways to do this; in this chapter we will be using a recurrent neural network (RNN). We will get to the details of these RNNs in the <>, but for now, you can think of it as just another deep neural network.

Let’s take a look at how each step works in detail.


When we said “convert the text into a list of words,” we left out a lot of details. For instance, what do we do with punctuation? How do we deal with a word like “don’t”? Is it one word, or two? What about long medical or chemical words? Should they be split into their separate pieces of meaning? How about hyphenated words? What about languages like German and Polish where we can create really long words from many, many pieces? What about languages like Japanese and Chinese that don’t use bases at all, and don’t really have a well-defined idea of word?

Because there is no one correct answer to these questions, there is no one approach to tokenization. There are three main approaches:

  • Word-based:: Split a sentence on spaces, as well as applying language-specific rules to try to separate parts of meaning even when there are no spaces (such as turning “don’t” into “do n’t”). Generally, punctuation marks are also split into separate tokens.
  • Subword based:: Split words into smaller parts, based on the most commonly occurring substrings. For instance, “occasion” might be tokenized as “o c ca sion.”
  • Character-based:: Split a sentence into its individual characters.

We’ll be looking at word and subword tokenization here, and we’ll leave character-based tokenization for you to implement in the questionnaire at the end of this chapter.

jargon: token: One element of a list created by the tokenization process. It could be a word, part of a word (a subword), or a single character.

Word Tokenization with fastai

Rather than providing its own tokenizers, fastai instead provides a consistent interface to a range of tokenizers in external libraries. Tokenization is an active field of research, and new and improved tokenizers are coming out all the time, so the defaults that fastai uses change too. However, the API and options shouldn’t change too much, since fastai tries to maintain a consistent API even as the underlying technology changes.

Let’s try it out with the IMDb dataset that we used in <>:

In [ ]:

  1. from fastai.text.all import *
  2. path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB)

We’ll need to grab the text files in order to try out a tokenizer. Just like get_image_files, which we’ve used many times already, gets all the image files in a path, get_text_files gets all the text files in a path. We can also optionally pass folders to restrict the search to a particular list of subfolders:

In [ ]:

  1. files = get_text_files(path, folders = ['train', 'test', 'unsup'])

Here’s a review that we’ll tokenize (we’ll just print the start of it here to save space):

In [ ]:

  1. txt = files[0].open().read(); txt[:75]

Out[ ]:

  1. 'This movie, which I just discovered at the video store, has apparently sit '

As we write this book, the default English word tokenizer for fastai uses a library called spaCy. It has a sophisticated rules engine with special rules for URLs, individual special English words, and much more. Rather than directly using SpacyTokenizer, however, we’ll use WordTokenizer, since that will always point to fastai’s current default word tokenizer (which may not necessarily be spaCy, depending when you’re reading this).

Let’s try it out. We’ll use fastai’s coll_repr(collection, n) function to display the results. This displays the first n items of collection, along with the full size—it’s what L uses by default. Note that fastai’s tokenizers take a collection of documents to tokenize, so we have to wrap txt in a list:

In [ ]:

  1. spacy = WordTokenizer()
  2. toks = first(spacy([txt]))
  3. print(coll_repr(toks, 30))
  1. (#201) ['This','movie',',','which','I','just','discovered','at','the','video','store',',','has','apparently','sit','around','for','a','couple','of','years','without','a','distributor','.','It',"'s",'easy','to','see'...]

As you see, spaCy has mainly just separated out the words and punctuation. But it does something else here too: it has split “it’s” into “it” and “‘s”. That makes intuitive sense; these are separate words, really. Tokenization is a surprisingly subtle task, when you think about all the little details that have to be handled. Fortunately, spaCy handles these pretty well for us—for instance, here we see that “.” is separated when it terminates a sentence, but not in an acronym or number:

In [ ]:

  1. first(spacy(['The U.S. dollar $1 is $1.00.']))

Out[ ]:

  1. (#9) ['The','U.S.','dollar','$','1','is','$','1.00','.']

fastai then adds some additional functionality to the tokenization process with the Tokenizer class:

In [ ]:

  1. tkn = Tokenizer(spacy)
  2. print(coll_repr(tkn(txt), 31))
  1. (#228) ['xxbos','xxmaj','this','movie',',','which','i','just','discovered','at','the','video','store',',','has','apparently','sit','around','for','a','couple','of','years','without','a','distributor','.','xxmaj','it',"'s",'easy'...]

Notice that there are now some tokens that start with the characters “xx”, which is not a common word prefix in English. These are special tokens.

For example, the first item in the list, xxbos, is a special token that indicates the start of a new text (“BOS” is a standard NLP acronym that means “beginning of stream”). By recognizing this start token, the model will be able to learn it needs to “forget” what was said previously and focus on upcoming words.

These special tokens don’t come from spaCy directly. They are there because fastai adds them by default, by applying a number of rules when processing text. These rules are designed to make it easier for a model to recognize the important parts of a sentence. In a sense, we are translating the original English language sequence into a simplified tokenized language—a language that is designed to be easy for a model to learn.

For instance, the rules will replace a sequence of four exclamation points with a special repeated character token, followed by the number four, and then a single exclamation point. In this way, the model’s embedding matrix can encode information about general concepts such as repeated punctuation rather than requiring a separate token for every number of repetitions of every punctuation mark. Similarly, a capitalized word will be replaced with a special capitalization token, followed by the lowercase version of the word. This way, the embedding matrix only needs the lowercase versions of the words, saving compute and memory resources, but can still learn the concept of capitalization.

Here are some of the main special tokens you’ll see:

  • xxbos:: Indicates the beginning of a text (here, a review)
  • xxmaj:: Indicates the next word begins with a capital (since we lowercased everything)
  • xxunk:: Indicates the word is unknown

To see the rules that were used, you can check the default rules:

In [ ]:

  1. defaults.text_proc_rules

Out[ ]:

  1. [<function fastai.text.core.fix_html(x)>,
  2. <function fastai.text.core.replace_rep(t)>,
  3. <function fastai.text.core.replace_wrep(t)>,
  4. <function fastai.text.core.spec_add_spaces(t)>,
  5. <function fastai.text.core.rm_useless_spaces(t)>,
  6. <function fastai.text.core.replace_all_caps(t)>,
  7. <function fastai.text.core.replace_maj(t)>,
  8. <function fastai.text.core.lowercase(t, add_bos=True, add_eos=False)>]

As always, you can look at the source code of each of them in a notebook by typing:

  1. ??replace_rep

Here is a brief summary of what each does:

  • fix_html:: Replaces special HTML characters with a readable version (IMDb reviews have quite a few of these)
  • replace_rep:: Replaces any character repeated three times or more with a special token for repetition (xxrep), the number of times it’s repeated, then the character
  • replace_wrep:: Replaces any word repeated three times or more with a special token for word repetition (xxwrep), the number of times it’s repeated, then the word
  • spec_add_spaces:: Adds spaces around / and #
  • rm_useless_spaces:: Removes all repetitions of the space character
  • replace_all_caps:: Lowercases a word written in all caps and adds a special token for all caps (xxup) in front of it
  • replace_maj:: Lowercases a capitalized word and adds a special token for capitalized (xxmaj) in front of it
  • lowercase:: Lowercases all text and adds a special token at the beginning (xxbos) and/or the end (xxeos)

Let’s take a look at a few of them in action:

In [ ]:

  1. coll_repr(tkn('&copy; Fast.ai www.fast.ai/INDEX'), 31)

Out[ ]:

  1. "(#11) ['xxbos','©','xxmaj','fast.ai','xxrep','3','w','.fast.ai','/','xxup','index'...]"

Now let’s take a look at how subword tokenization would work.

Subword Tokenization

In addition to the word tokenization approach seen in the last section, another popular tokenization method is subword tokenization. Word tokenization relies on an assumption that spaces provide a useful separation of components of meaning in a sentence. However, this assumption is not always appropriate. For instance, consider this sentence: 我的名字是郝杰瑞 (“My name is Jeremy Howard” in Chinese). That’s not going to work very well with a word tokenizer, because there are no spaces in it! Languages like Chinese and Japanese don’t use spaces, and in fact they don’t even have a well-defined concept of a “word.” There are also languages, like Turkish and Hungarian, that can add many subwords together without spaces, creating very long words that include a lot of separate pieces of information.

To handle these cases, it’s generally best to use subword tokenization. This proceeds in two steps:

  1. Analyze a corpus of documents to find the most commonly occurring groups of letters. These become the vocab.
  2. Tokenize the corpus using this vocab of subword units.

Let’s look at an example. For our corpus, we’ll use the first 2,000 movie reviews:

In [ ]:

  1. txts = L(o.open().read() for o in files[:2000])

We instantiate our tokenizer, passing in the size of the vocab we want to create, and then we need to “train” it. That is, we need to have it read our documents and find the common sequences of characters to create the vocab. This is done with setup. As we’ll see shortly, setup is a special fastai method that is called automatically in our usual data processing pipelines. Since we’re doing everything manually at the moment, however, we have to call it ourselves. Here’s a function that does these steps for a given vocab size, and shows an example output:

In [ ]:

  1. def subword(sz):
  2. sp = SubwordTokenizer(vocab_sz=sz)
  3. sp.setup(txts)
  4. return ' '.join(first(sp([txt]))[:40])

Let’s try it out:

In [ ]:

  1. subword(1000)

Out[ ]:

  1. '▁This ▁movie , ▁which ▁I ▁just ▁dis c over ed ▁at ▁the ▁video ▁st or e , ▁has ▁a p par ent ly ▁s it ▁around ▁for ▁a ▁couple ▁of ▁years ▁without ▁a ▁dis t ri but or . ▁It'

When using fastai’s subword tokenizer, the special character represents a space character in the original text.

If we use a smaller vocab, then each token will represent fewer characters, and it will take more tokens to represent a sentence:

In [ ]:

  1. subword(200)

Out[ ]:

  1. '▁ T h i s ▁movie , ▁w h i ch ▁I ▁ j us t ▁ d i s c o ver ed ▁a t ▁the ▁ v id e o ▁ st or e , ▁h a s'

On the other hand, if we use a larger vocab, then most common English words will end up in the vocab themselves, and we will not need as many to represent a sentence:

In [ ]:

  1. subword(10000)

Out[ ]:

  1. "▁This ▁movie , ▁which ▁I ▁just ▁discover ed ▁at ▁the ▁video ▁store , ▁has ▁apparently ▁sit ▁around ▁for ▁a ▁couple ▁of ▁years ▁without ▁a ▁distributor . ▁It ' s ▁easy ▁to ▁see ▁why . ▁The ▁story ▁of ▁two ▁friends ▁living"

Picking a subword vocab size represents a compromise: a larger vocab means fewer tokens per sentence, which means faster training, less memory, and less state for the model to remember; but on the downside, it means larger embedding matrices, which require more data to learn.

Overall, subword tokenization provides a way to easily scale between character tokenization (i.e., using a small subword vocab) and word tokenization (i.e., using a large subword vocab), and handles every human language without needing language-specific algorithms to be developed. It can even handle other “languages” such as genomic sequences or MIDI music notation! For this reason, in the last year its popularity has soared, and it seems likely to become the most common tokenization approach (it may well already be, by the time you read this!).

Once our texts have been split into tokens, we need to convert them to numbers. We’ll look at that next.

Numericalization with fastai

Numericalization is the process of mapping tokens to integers. The steps are basically identical to those necessary to create a Category variable, such as the dependent variable of digits in MNIST:

  1. Make a list of all possible levels of that categorical variable (the vocab).
  2. Replace each level with its index in the vocab.

Let’s take a look at this in action on the word-tokenized text we saw earlier:

In [ ]:

  1. toks = tkn(txt)
  2. print(coll_repr(tkn(txt), 31))
  1. (#228) ['xxbos','xxmaj','this','movie',',','which','i','just','discovered','at','the','video','store',',','has','apparently','sit','around','for','a','couple','of','years','without','a','distributor','.','xxmaj','it',"'s",'easy'...]

Just like with SubwordTokenizer, we need to call setup on Numericalize; this is how we create the vocab. That means we’ll need our tokenized corpus first. Since tokenization takes a while, it’s done in parallel by fastai; but for this manual walkthrough, we’ll use a small subset:

In [ ]:

  1. toks200 = txts[:200].map(tkn)
  2. toks200[0]

Out[ ]:

  1. (#228) ['xxbos','xxmaj','this','movie',',','which','i','just','discovered','at'...]

We can pass this to setup to create our vocab:

In [ ]:

  1. num = Numericalize()
  2. num.setup(toks200)
  3. coll_repr(num.vocab,20)

Out[ ]:

  1. "(#2000) ['xxunk','xxpad','xxbos','xxeos','xxfld','xxrep','xxwrep','xxup','xxmaj','the','.',',','a','and','of','to','is','in','i','it'...]"

Our special rules tokens appear first, and then every word appears once, in frequency order. The defaults to Numericalize are min_freq=3,max_vocab=60000. max_vocab=60000 results in fastai replacing all words other than the most common 60,000 with a special unknown word token, xxunk. This is useful to avoid having an overly large embedding matrix, since that can slow down training and use up too much memory, and can also mean that there isn’t enough data to train useful representations for rare words. However, this last issue is better handled by setting min_freq; the default min_freq=3 means that any word appearing less than three times is replaced with xxunk.

fastai can also numericalize your dataset using a vocab that you provide, by passing a list of words as the vocab parameter.

Once we’ve created our Numericalize object, we can use it as if it were a function:

In [ ]:

  1. nums = num(toks)[:20]; nums

Out[ ]:

  1. tensor([ 2, 8, 21, 28, 11, 90, 18, 59, 0, 45, 9, 351, 499, 11, 72, 533, 584, 146, 29, 12])

This time, our tokens have been converted to a tensor of integers that our model can receive. We can check that they map back to the original text:

In [ ]:

  1. ' '.join(num.vocab[o] for o in nums)

Out[ ]:

  1. 'xxbos xxmaj this movie , which i just xxunk at the video store , has apparently sit around for a'

Now that we have numbers, we need to put them in batches for our model.

Putting Our Texts into Batches for a Language Model

When dealing with images, we needed to resize them all to the same height and width before grouping them together in a mini-batch so they could stack together efficiently in a single tensor. Here it’s going to be a little different, because one cannot simply resize text to a desired length. Also, we want our language model to read text in order, so that it can efficiently predict what the next word is. This means that each new batch should begin precisely where the previous one left off.

Suppose we have the following text:

: In this chapter, we will go back over the example of classifying movie reviews we studied in chapter 1 and dig deeper under the surface. First we will look at the processing steps necessary to convert text into numbers and how to customize it. By doing this, we’ll have another example of the PreProcessor used in the data block API.\nThen we will study how we build a language model and train it for a while.

The tokenization process will add special tokens and deal with punctuation to return this text:

: xxbos xxmaj in this chapter , we will go back over the example of classifying movie reviews we studied in chapter 1 and dig deeper under the surface . xxmaj first we will look at the processing steps necessary to convert text into numbers and how to customize it . xxmaj by doing this , we ‘ll have another example of the preprocessor used in the data block xxup api . \n xxmaj then we will study how we build a language model and train it for a while .

We now have 90 tokens, separated by spaces. Let’s say we want a batch size of 6. We need to break this text into 6 contiguous parts of length 15:

In [ ]:

  1. #hide_input
  2. stream = "In this chapter, we will go back over the example of classifying movie reviews we studied in chapter 1 and dig deeper under the surface. First we will look at the processing steps necessary to convert text into numbers and how to customize it. By doing this, we'll have another example of the PreProcessor used in the data block API.\nThen we will study how we build a language model and train it for a while."
  3. tokens = tkn(stream)
  4. bs,seq_len = 6,15
  5. d_tokens = np.array([tokens[i*seq_len:(i+1)*seq_len] for i in range(bs)])
  6. df = pd.DataFrame(d_tokens)
  7. display(HTML(df.to_html(index=False,header=None)))

In a perfect world, we could then give this one batch to our model. But that approach doesn’t scale, because outside of this toy example it’s unlikely that a single batch containing all the texts would fit in our GPU memory (here we have 90 tokens, but all the IMDb reviews together give several million).

So, we need to divide this array more finely into subarrays of a fixed sequence length. It is important to maintain order within and across these subarrays, because we will use a model that maintains a state so that it remembers what it read previously when predicting what comes next.

Going back to our previous example with 6 batches of length 15, if we chose a sequence length of 5, that would mean we first feed the following array:

In [ ]:

  1. #hide_input
  2. bs,seq_len = 6,5
  3. d_tokens = np.array([tokens[i*15:i*15+seq_len] for i in range(bs)])
  4. df = pd.DataFrame(d_tokens)
  5. display(HTML(df.to_html(index=False,header=None)))

Then this one:

In [ ]:

  1. #hide_input
  2. bs,seq_len = 6,5
  3. d_tokens = np.array([tokens[i*15+seq_len:i*15+2*seq_len] for i in range(bs)])
  4. df = pd.DataFrame(d_tokens)
  5. display(HTML(df.to_html(index=False,header=None)))

And finally:

In [ ]:

  1. #hide_input
  2. bs,seq_len = 6,5
  3. d_tokens = np.array([tokens[i*15+10:i*15+15] for i in range(bs)])
  4. df = pd.DataFrame(d_tokens)
  5. display(HTML(df.to_html(index=False,header=None)))

Going back to our movie reviews dataset, the first step is to transform the individual texts into a stream by concatenating them together. As with images, it’s best to randomize the order of the inputs, so at the beginning of each epoch we will shuffle the entries to make a new stream (we shuffle the order of the documents, not the order of the words inside them, or the texts would not make sense anymore!).

We then cut this stream into a certain number of batches (which is our batch size). For instance, if the stream has 50,000 tokens and we set a batch size of 10, this will give us 10 mini-streams of 5,000 tokens. What is important is that we preserve the order of the tokens (so from 1 to 5,000 for the first mini-stream, then from 5,001 to 10,000…), because we want the model to read continuous rows of text (as in the preceding example). An xxbos token is added at the start of each during preprocessing, so that the model knows when it reads the stream when a new entry is beginning.

So to recap, at every epoch we shuffle our collection of documents and concatenate them into a stream of tokens. We then cut that stream into a batch of fixed-size consecutive mini-streams. Our model will then read the mini-streams in order, and thanks to an inner state, it will produce the same activation whatever sequence length we picked.

This is all done behind the scenes by the fastai library when we create an LMDataLoader. We do this by first applying our Numericalize object to the tokenized texts:

In [ ]:

  1. nums200 = toks200.map(num)

and then passing that to LMDataLoader:

In [ ]:

  1. dl = LMDataLoader(nums200)

Let’s confirm that this gives the expected results, by grabbing the first batch:

In [ ]:

  1. x,y = first(dl)
  2. x.shape,y.shape

Out[ ]:

  1. (torch.Size([64, 72]), torch.Size([64, 72]))

and then looking at the first row of the independent variable, which should be the start of the first text:

In [ ]:

  1. ' '.join(num.vocab[o] for o in x[0][:20])

Out[ ]:

  1. 'xxbos xxmaj this movie , which i just xxunk at the video store , has apparently sit around for a'

The dependent variable is the same thing offset by one token:

In [ ]:

  1. ' '.join(num.vocab[o] for o in y[0][:20])

Out[ ]:

  1. 'xxmaj this movie , which i just xxunk at the video store , has apparently sit around for a couple'

This concludes all the preprocessing steps we need to apply to our data. We are now ready to train our text classifier.