Third Party Applications and Libraries
There are a number of third party applications that can be useful together with Supervisor. This list aims to summarize them and make them easier to find.
See README.rst for information on how to contribute to this list.
Dashboards and Tools for Multiple Supervisor Instances
These are tools that can monitor or control a number of Supervisor instances running on different servers.
Web-based dashboard written in Python.
Web-based dashboard written in Python. Requires Django 1.3 or 1.4.
Web-based dashboard written in Node.js.
Web-based dashboard written in PHP.
Another Web-based dashboard written in PHP.
Command line tool for controlling multiple Supervisor instances using Ansible.
Web-based dashboard written in Python 3. Requires Django 1.7 or later.
Designed for distributed applications, written in Python 2.7. Includes an extended XML-RPC API and a Web-based dashboard.
Centralized supervisor web-based dashboard. The frontend is based on VueJS. The backend runs a flask web server. It communicates with each supervisor through a specialized supervisor event-listener based on zerorpc.
Web-based dashboard and command line tool written in Python using PostgreSQL with a REST API, event monitoring, and configuration management.
Third Party Plugins and Libraries for Supervisor
These are plugins and libraries that add new functionality to Supervisor. These also includes various event listeners.
Provides set of common eventlisteners that can be used to monitor and, for example, restart when it uses too much memory etc.
Send Supervisor event notifications to HTTP1.1 webhooks.
An event listener that makes it possible to scale the number of processes to the number of cores on the supervisor host.
Implements start/stop/restart commands with wildcard support for Supervisor. These commands run in parallel and can be much faster than the built-in start/stop/restart commands.
Lets you easily make sure that supervisord and specific processes controlled by it are running from within shell and Python scripts. Also adds a kill command to supervisor that makes it possible to send arbitrary signals to child processes.
An extension for Supervisor that provides the ability to cache arbitrary data directly inside a Supervisor instance as key/value pairs. Also serves as a reference for how to write Supervisor extensions.
An RPC extension for Supervisor that allows Supervisor’s configuration and state to be manipulated in ways that are not normally possible at runtime.
An event listener that sends process output to supervisord’s stdout.
Adds a serialrestart command to supervisorctl that restarts processes one after another rather than all at once.
Adds quickstart, quickstop, and quickrestart commands to supervisorctl that can be faster than the built-in commands. It works by using the non-blocking mode of the XML-RPC methods and then polling supervisord. The built-in commands use the blocking mode, which can be slower due to supervisord implementation details.
An event listener that sends process log events to an external Syslog instance (e.g. Logstash).
An event listener plugin to stream state events to a Logstash instance.
An event listener that enables tying Supervisor processes to a cgroup hierarchy. It is intended to be used as a replacement for cgrules.conf.
Framework to build health checks for Supervisor-based services. Health check applications are supposed to run as event listeners in Supervisor environment. On check failure Supervisor will attempt to restart monitored process.
Watch a directory and restart programs when files change. It can monitor a directory for changes, filter the file paths by glob patterns or regular expressions and restart Supervisor programs individually or by group.
Libraries that integrate Third Party Applications with Supervisor
These are libraries and plugins that makes it easier to use Supervisor with third party applications:
Easy integration between djangocl and supervisord.
A buildout recipe to install supervisor.
Puppet module for configuring the supervisor daemon tool.
Puppet module to manage the supervisord process control system.
An nginx module providing API to communicate with supervisord and manage (start/stop) backends on-demand.
A Nagios/Icinga plugin written in Python to monitor individual supervisord processes.
A Nagios/Icinga plugin written in PHP to monitor individual supervisord processes.
A plugin for supervisorctl to allow one to perform nagios-style checks against supervisord-managed processes.
PHP classes for interacting with Supervisor event notifications.
PHP 5 library to manage Supervisor instances as object.
Provide full integration of Supervisor multiple servers management into Symfony2 project.
Server Density plugin for supervisor.
Node.js client for Supervisor’s XML-RPC interface.
Node.js implementation of an event listener for Supervisor.
Ruby client library for Supervisor’s XML-RPC interface.
Sends supervisord events to Graphite.
TextMate bundle for supervisord.conf.
Capistrano recipe to deploy supervisord based services.
Another package to control supervisord from Capistrano.
Chef cookbook install and configure supervisord.
Complete Supervisor suite in PHP: Client using XML-RPC interface, event listener and configuration builder implementation, console application and monitor UI.
Perl client for the supervisord XML-RPC interface.
Java client for Supervisor’s XML-RPC interface.
Supermann monitors processes running under Supervisor and sends metrics to Riemann.
Run Supervisor as a Gulp task.
Control and monitor Supervisor from a TYPO3 Flow application.
Dokku plugin that injects supervisord to run applications.
Dokku plugin that injects supervisord to run applications. It also redirects stdout and stderr from processes to log files (rather than the Docker default per-container JSON files).
Send Supervisor event notifications to Slack.
Send event notifications over Telegram or to an arbitrary command.