API reference


This object contains the controllers, models, services and configurations contained in the strapi-admin package.


This object contains APIs contained in the ./api folder. And by using strapi.api[:name] you can access the controllers, services, the model definition and also the configurations of the ./api/:name folder


Returns the Koa instance.


Returns an object that represents the configurations of the project. Every JavaScript or JSON file located in the ./config folder will be parsed into the strapi.config object.


Returns an object of the controllers which is available in the project. Every JavaScript file located in the ./api/**/controllers folder will be parsed into the strapi.controllers object. Thanks to this object, you can access every controller’s actions everywhere in the project.


This object doesn’t include the admin’s controllers and plugin’s controllers.


Returns an object of the hooks available in the project. Every folder that follows this pattern strapi-* and located in the ./node_modules or /hooks folder will be mounted into the strapi.hook object.


Returns a function that parses the configurations, hooks, middlewares and APIs of your app. It also loads the middlewares and hooks with the previously loaded configurations. This method could be useful to update references available through the strapi global variable without having to restart the server. However, without restarting the server, the new configurations will not be taken in account.


Returns the Logger (Pino) instance.


Returns an object of the middlewares available in the project. Every folder in the ./middlewares folder will be also mounted into the strapi.middleware object.


Returns an object of models available in the project. Every JavaScript or JSON file located in the ./api/**/models folders will be parsed into the strapi.models object. Also every strapi.models.** object is merged with the model’s instance returned by the ORM (Mongoose, Bookshelf). It allows to call the ORM methods through the strapi.models.** object (ex: strapi.models.users.find()).


Returns an object of plugins available within the project. Each plugin object contains the associated controllers, models, services and configurations.


This utility function allows to bind models with query functions specific to each ORM (e.g: mongoose or bookshelf). For more details, see the Queries section.


Returns a function that reloads the entire app (with downtime).


Returns the Router (Joi router) instance.


Returns the http.ServerGlobal Strapi API Reference - 图1 (opens new window) instance.


Returns an object of services available in the project. Every JavaScript file located in the ./api/**/services folders will be parsed into the strapi.services object.


Returns a function that loads the configurations, middlewares and hooks. Then, it executes the bootstrap file, freezes the global variable and listens the configured port.


Returns a function that shuts down the server and destroys the current connections.