SQLFlow Authentication and Authorization


Authentication is to identify the user. Authorization is to grant privileges to a user like accessing some system functionalities.

SQLFlow bridges SQL engines and machine learning systems. To execute a job, the SQLFlow server needs permissions to access databases and to submit machine learning jobs to clusters like Kubernetes.

When we deploy SQLFlow server as a Kubernetes service with horizontal auto-scaling enabled, many clients might connect to each SQLFlow server instance. For authentication and authorization, we must securely store a mapping from the user’s ID to the user’s credentials for accessing the database and the cluster. With authentication and authorization, we will be able to implement sessions, which means that each SQL statement in a SQL program might be handled by different SQLFlow server instances in the Kubernetes service; however, the user wouldn’t notice that.

Authorization is not a too much a challenge because we can rely on SQL engines and training clusters, which denies requests if the user have no access. In this document, we focus on authentication of SQLFlow users.


The JupyterHub is the central web page for users to work on. JupyterHub can support many well-known authorization and authentication methods so that it will be easy to adapt the full solution to cloud environments or on-premise.


A server-side “session” is needed to store credentials for each client to access the database and submitting jobs. The session can be defined as:

  1. type Session struct {
  2. Token int64 // User token granted after login
  3. ClientEndpoint string // ip:port from the client
  4. DBConnStr string // mysql://AK:SK@
  5. // cached connection to database for current session, can point to a global connection map
  6. DBConn *sql.DB
  7. K8SAK string // AK or username for accessing Kubernetes
  8. K8SSK string // SK or secret for accessing Kubernetes
  9. }

Note: that SQLFlow should be dealing with three kinds of services:

  • SQLFlow RPC service itself
  • Database service that stores the training data, e.g. MaxCompute
  • A training cluster that runs the SQLFlow training job, e.g. Kubernetes

The token will act as the unique id of the session. The session object should be expired within some time and deleted on the server memory.

The Database connection string also contains credential information follow the format like mysql://AK:SK@

To submit to clusters like Kubernetes, we also need to store credentials to access Kubernetes API server, so K8SAK, K8SSK is also stored in the session.

We want to make sure that SQLFlow servers are stateless so that we can deploy it on any cluster that does auto fail-over and auto-scaling. In that case, we store session data into a reliable storage service like etcd.

Authentication of SQLFlow Server

The below figure demonstrates overall workflow for authorization and authentication.

SQLFlow Authentication and Authorization - 图1

Users can access the JupyterHub web page using their own username and password. The user’s identity will be verified by the SSO service or any other authentication methods. Then the JupyterHub is responsible to fetch current user’s “AK/SK”s (typically securely encoded strings) for accessing databases and the Kubernetes cluster. “AK/SK” for accessing database and the Kubernetes cluster may not be the same. The mapping from the user’s ID to the user’s “AK/SK” is stored in the “Mapping Service”, which is an HTTPS RESTful service.

Then JupyterHub will spawn the Jupyter Notebook instances for each user and set the user’s login token and “AK/SK” for the Notebook instance to some secure storage so that the SQLFlow magic command plugin can read it.

Then we create a session on the SQLFlow server for the current user by calling below RPC:

  1. service SQLFlow {
  2. rpc CreateSession (Session) returns (Response);
  3. }
  4. message Session {
  5. string token = 1;
  6. string client_endpoint = 2;
  7. string db_conn_str = 3;
  8. string k8s_ak = 4;
  9. string k8s_sk = 5;
  10. }

When the SQLFlow server receives this RPC call, it should store the session on the etcd cluster with a session expire time, see: https://help.compose.com/docs/etcd-using-etcd3-features#section-leases

After that, the login procedure is finished. Then any SQL statement typed in the current user’s Notebook instance, it will be translated to jobs using the current users’ AK/SK and submit to the user’s namespace on Kubernetes.

If one user is already logged in, and the Jupyter Notebook instance is still alive, he or she can directly use the Notebook to run any job.

If the Notebook instance crashed, the JupyterHub should be able to re-create the instance and set the user’s token and “AK/SK”.

If one user’s session is expired, the JupyterHub should be able to refresh the login and fetch the “AK/SK” again, then re-create the Notebook instance.


To make SQLFlow server production ready, supporting serving multiple clients on one SQLFlow server instance is necessary, Authentication and session management should be implemented.

For different environments like on cloud or on-premise, we may need to implement different “authenticators” for JupyterHub to adapt them.